A beautiful song from the Black Eyed Peas. There are some even sweeter but I can't legally post here. You can always send me a message :) Now it seems that we follow this uninhibited lifestyle should be the most loving people on the planet. One thing missing from online contact is the chance to greet and hug , a virtual hug though well intended is never as good as the real thing. I hope most of you are huggers. I think this is SO IMPORTANT if we are truly to be a loving community:
https://www.youtube.com/v/vr3x_RRJdd4 and
Here's another reason to boycott public schools (in the US anyway):
How can you treat someone badly that you've just hugged? By beginning every meeting by hugging many of the problems in the world could be solved. That is my hope for us all.
Anyone that feels the same is welcome to join: https://www.truenudists.com/group/1873 Lots of good info will be posted there soon.

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I will add a different angle to this topic! Here is where my thoughts are toward the subject.One of the many poemsI have written for my wife that I will share:


Smiling faces everywhere.
Frowns and stares will not be there.
Everyone will jump with joy,
Just as though theyve gotten a new Toy.
Idealistic as it may seem,
In this day and time Its just a dream,
Oh, how nice that it would be,
If everyone would be friendly with me.
Try and try to make them laugh,
I end up with a throat thats cut in half.
At a time when this prevails,
The whole world, to me, seems doomed to Hell.
Its so nice to have just one,
That seems content to be called Hon.
A wife that is one person with you,
That keeps your life from turning so blue.
The whole world seems to be in a spin,
Where in the world are all your friends.
As I try to live and feel content.
That my best friend gossip cannot dent.
Because I have the strength to go through life,
My best friend is truly my WIFE!

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