Where do I start?
I think some of my more memorable staying nude times have been with the various guys who have been here to install or repair or upgrade my satellite DISH network. When the first guy came he was here nearly 4 hours and I never put anything on. I had tried to give him a heads up thru the dispatcher but he had not gotten the message. After his initial double take he was totally cool with it. I went about my chores inside and outside as he worked. We even talked about nudism as he put the unit by the tv. I felt most exposed as he stood by me and explained the remote etc. Over the years many different guys have . It took 3 visits all dif guys to move the outside dish. The first one told the next 2 to expect a nude homeowner and all were fine with it. None have joined me but none have told me to put anything on. A couple have mentioned they go nude at home themselves or would if wives allowed them.
The power company has a note in my file that homeowner is a nudist. I know that because a friend worked there as a meter reader and saw the note. One time I greeted a repairman nude when he came to reset a squirrel triggered fuse. He was fine with my nude backyard greeting. The next time he came to do the same thing he told me to put some clothes on or he would not repair it. I complied since i did want power on. I mentioned to him as I apologized for offending him that he had seen me before, he said something about how light it was out. Huh? But when the 2 guys came to do a major line move to the house, both were fine with me buck ass naked in the garden and both said they wish they could bare all in their yards. Another time i was soaking in the hot tub which is only a few feet from the meter. I thought I heard a beep beep beep and got out to check it out. Just as I stood dripping wet a meter reader came around the house. He did a double take. Then asked if it was laundry day. I told him I go nude all the time. We then had a conversation about some roadside crosses around the corner. He wanted to know who they were for. I told him , him standing on the ground. me standing deck level so let's put it this way our eyes did not line up. About an hour later he came back and said he misread the meter. Not sure that was true or if he wanted to see if I would still be nude. of course I was. Looking back I wish i had asked him to stay and soak.
Those are 2 experiences. As I think of them I will relate more