Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

Its obvious most of us try not to do anything to attract attention
to ourselves like, speeding, driving with a light out, or blasting
your music in a residential neighbor hood.. all of which will
get you pulled over..
Something that makes me nervous is when a car suddenly comes right
up on my ass, right away I think its a cop because all I can see is
headlights and nothing else. I think my 2 main fears is
getting pulled over (I always have a pair of basketball shorts
ready just in case) or an accident..

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

Being involved in an accident is what makes me most nervous.I try to drive as cautiously as I can, but others.....don't.

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

Being involved in an accident is what makes me most nervous.I try to drive as cautiously as I can, but others.....don't.I've always said, driving would be great if it weren't for all the other drivers lol

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

I couldn't agree more, TM!

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

for me it would be deer. i have seen quite a few deer out and about late at night while coming home from work.

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

Being pulled over by Tue cops or an acvident

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

for me it would be deer. i have seen quite a few deerout and about late at night while coming home fromwork.
I had two deer run out in front of me on Saturday morning. I
don't think that they cared in the slightest that I was
On Sunday morning, I had another deer stood in the road in front of
me. This time I was dressed (I dress before entering the
village) but the deer was still scared.

(deer and other animals will stand on the roads because the tarmac warms up during the day, and then releases that heat overnight. That's why we end up with so much road kill)

I've seen a lot of deer lately :-)

I've only driven totally naked twice, but driving bottomless is a
fairly common occurrence. Yes I do worry about being seen but
I don't think it's ever happened yet. If I ended up in an
accident, being bottomless would probably be the least of my

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

I've been driving naked for well over 35 years. I drove back and forth from work, on long drives ... then while running errands ... I was almostalways naked in the car. I've never really been afraid to drive naked but yes, I was nervous in the beginning. After a short time, it just became second nature and it seemed that each time I climbed in the cars and had on shorts ... they came off, along with the shirt I was wearing.
We are currently on a driving trip and I drove over 5 hours to our current destination, while naked. We leave tomorrow for our next destination and I'll be naked on that drive as well. It's an extension of our lifestyle and with all the precautions we take; shorts nearby, a towel to sit on, dark tinted windows on all our vehicles except the motorhome ... I not only feel comfortable and confident that I/we will not be seen, I'm never really nervous about driving naked. Being stopped by cops doesn't bother me because I feel confident I can talk my way out of that particular situation since I'm confident that he/she didn't stop me for driving naked but for some other reason. I'm sure I can slip on the shorts or flip the towel over my lap in plenty of time, before they get to the door.
Accidents ... unless I'm injured, no worries. If I'm injured ... I've saved the paramedics the trouble of cutting my clothes off! :D

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

I too worry about headlights pulling up behind me. Other than that I don't worry much. But I always think ahead of time about where I'm going to drive so I can avoid as many busy intersections as possible. I also drive mostly at night on country roads with little traffic. I took a 50 mile drive a few weeks ago and only passed or was followed by a handful of cars. Actually, sometimes I worry that I worry too little about it!

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

I don't know about, "Nervous," but driving through so many small towns around TX, NM and OK bothers me because every 30 miles or so there is another 1 horse town even on US highways. On freeways, I get to shoot right past them, but with all of these small towns, there's even a greater chance of getting pulled over. These small towns have their revenue collectors (cops) out all day doing nothing else but writing tickets, and one has to slow down so much.
I have to stop to use the restroom a lot, too, so what I've chosen to do is just wear gym shorts, keep them around my ankles while I'm on cruise control, and when I click it off I unfasten my seat belt, pull them up real quick and reverse the process when leaving town.
Now though, I will be carrying a gun and keeping it on my belt, so I'll have to figure out a way to do that with gym shorts on. There are holster belts that can be worn directly against the skin under anything, and I'll probably get one of those, because they can be worn under anything. Another alternative is just to keep the gun in the car and not carry it into stores, etc, on rest stops, but that kinda' defeats the purpose altogether.
I would use an ankle holster, but they are not allowed for concealed carry or open carry. Guns have to be attached to the waist or shoulder according to Texas law, at least.

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RE: Is there anything that makes you nervous when driving naked?

Not really, but driving through towns etc where I could be stopped at traffic lights etc someone on a bike or on foot could look into the car. Other car/lorry drivers will see I am topless but it will be nearly impossible to see other than footwear I am nude, yes I have a pair of shorts on the seat next to me.Next Saturday it will be about a 2 hour drive each way nude.

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