charity calendar

Hi. We are shooting a charitable calender on the Isle of Wight, uk. We are looking for someone who is prepared to me del semi nude. We are looking for a specific look and individual so help you guys can help?We are looking for a well built fit looking black man to pose with my wife. We would only need you from the back view. If anyone can help at all please contact us. Thank you.

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RE: charity calendar

Hi. We are shooting a charitable calender on the Isle of Wight, uk. We are looking for someone who is prepared to me del semi nude. We are looking for a specific look and individual so help you guys can help?We are looking for a well built fit looking black man to pose with my wife. We would only need you from the back view. If anyone can help at all please contact us. Thank you.hi, this is a very good idea, shame you cant hold it on mainland like abbey house gardens where loads of nudist go on clothes optional days it be great shoot you soon fill the months in, i be very happy to pose

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