My wife knows but I honestly dont think she knows the extent of my nudism. She knows I enjoy being nude but for instance she doesnt knowing run nude every morning. I am hell bent on running naked every morning now. It seems wrong to even where clothes when Im out jogging.Adam
Does she know that you are running every morning but not that you are running nude?
My wife is also not a nudist, but overtime has gotten comfortable with me being nude. When we moved to Texas and our neighborhood was in early development, I was able to run nude in the morning and it was great! She wasn't aware of that, but over the year she became more acceptable of my home nudity. She kind of freaked out when I did my first public nude 5k, but after talking about it she now encourages me to go and enjoy these social nude events. I don't think I'll be able to get her to go with me, but will keep trying. As our kids our grown and out of the house, I'm nude most of the time and lucky to be able to work a few WFH days nude. Most of the homes in Texas have little privacy, but I've found a way to be nude around our pool and my wife questions when I have a swimsuit on (HA).
My wife knows. She does hang nude with me sometimes but its rare. Its taken her awhile to be ok with the idea of me being nude around the house but I think talking to her about it and be open about how it makes me feel has helped her. She joined me in checking out a nude resort but doesnt care for it and stayed clothed. Praying she comes around at some point.
My wife knows. She does hang nude with me sometimes but its rare. Its taken her awhile to be ok with the idea of me being nude around the house but I think talking to her about it and be open about how it makes me feel has helped her. She joined me in checking out a nude resort but doesnt care for it and stayed clothed. Praying she comes around at some point.
At least she was willing to check it out. My wife is not.
I had been sleeping nude before I started being nude around the house. One thing that helped my wife get used to it is that she spends a lot of time at home in her sleepwear. So I told her when she was in what she slept in I should be, too. After she got used to that, it was an easy transition to being nude whenever we were home alone in warm weather. It has gotten to the point that if I am dressed at home in warm weather, she will ask me if I am getting ready to go somewhere.