Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

Hi All
My friend and I are walking Hadrian's Wall mid May fromWest
to East and wondered if there was any naturist's en route who would
like to meet up.

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RE: Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

Will you be walking it naked?

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RE: Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

I am local and would be interested in walking as much of it as possible naked.

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RE: Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

Hi AllMy friend and I are walking Hadrian's Wall mid May fromWestto East and wondered if there was any naturist's en route who wouldlike to meet up.I'm a Member andBelong To "Solway Sun Club" (solwaysunclub.com) near Carlisle. We Welcome Visits to the Nudist Club.

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RE: Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

Cheers! will certainly keep it in mind when we are in the Carlisle area.

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RE: Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

If possible and the weather is kind we will do as much as we can
naked, but we will have to consider the textile walkers, I don't
for one minute think we will be the only ones walking the trail.

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RE: Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, Naturists?

sound good i am in hexham northumberland, im interested

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