Great Weather

Hi, Autumn is best weather for naked gardening in Queensland Australia .

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RE: Great Weather

At the risk of being shouted down, Melbourne is superb at this time. Warm balmydays, 21 - 27c each day, cool nights and star light nights. Absolutely perfect for nude activities,gardening and BBQ.

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RE: Great Weather

That's great that you are still able to enjoy the outdoors! For us on the other side of the world, we have had a week of perfect weather now - temps in the 60's and 70's with lots of sunshine. I don't ever remember being naked outside this much is April before....

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RE: Great Weather

Was a great weekend here in Northern Indiana, was able to get garden tilled and grass cut, all nude this weekend. Hope this weather stays for awhile. If you want to stop by feel free, love to have fellow nudies over.

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RE: Great Weather

Great weather for naked gardening here in South Wales, too,Unfortunately we have builders ripping out the old patio and building a new improved and enlarged one so not only no gardening but no naturism either.

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RE: Great Weather

Great weather for naked gardening here in South Wales, too,Unfortunately we have builders ripping out the old patio and building a new improved and enlarged one so not only no gardening but no naturism either.Naked all afternoon in the garden here in Dorset even with builders next door. Preparation for dahlia planting!

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RE: Great Weather

Has been perfect weather here. In the high 70's and low 80's. But then again, it is florida in the spring time.

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