World Naked Gardening Day

The 12th Annual World Naked Gardening Day is coming up on Saturday, May 7th. Who has some specific plans for that day?

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

Pine Tree has its annual Beautification Day on May 7. 35 plus gardeners will join to dig, hoe, plant and mulch in the nude. Then, barbecue afterwards in the campground area. And a dance that evening! I've got BIG nude gardening plans this summer. Build more retaining walls. Add some Japanese benches. And flowers!! Lots of annuals))). Best! Bob

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

I live on 40 acres, mostly trees, but cleared out around the house. I have large garden that's getting overrun with raspberry plants. If it's warm enough, I'll be out there. Last year it was warm enough and I was out in the garden most of the day. BTW, I live in northern Minnesota, so the weather could be questionable.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

I have way too many neighbors, so I will celebrate the occasion after dar, hopefully with about a 1/4 moon, so I'm not seen, but my eyes can adjust enough to sort of see what I am doing. Past that, I'll have to go by feel, which is an added bonus, feeling the earth with my feet and fingers.
I will pick a plant...or a few...and plant them in the garden under the beautiful stars (clear skies happen often on the Front Range). A pre-emptiveWorld Naked Gardening Day to everyone!

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

I have way too many neighbors, so I will celebrate the occasion after dar, hopefully with about a 1/4 moon, so I'm not seen, but my eyes can adjust enough to sort of see what I am doing. Past that, I'll have to go by feel, which is an added bonus, feeling the earth with my feet and fingers.I will pick a plant...or a few...and plant them in the garden under the beautiful stars (clear skies happen often on the Front Range). A pre-emptiveWorld Naked Gardening Day to everyone!Gee, I like the idea of moonlight gardening to celebrate nude gardening day!

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

will be at the events at Toadally Natual Gardens in Wisconsin

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

Hmmm... No plan yet but I have a little over a week to come up with something. I will be sure to participate though. Maybe past a pic or two. Who knows?

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

Can't make plans for that day, we'll be gardening....

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

Can't make plans for that day, we'll be gardening....Naked, I hope.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

I know what I will be doing if it is not cold and rainy.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day

Same as always; if the weather permits I'll be out there!

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