Spare a thought for Flooded Queensland Nudists.

My thoughts go out to all QLD/NSW nudists who are sufferingdue tothis devastating weather &floods.

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RE: Spare a thought for Flooded Queensland Nudists.

My thoughts go out to all QLD/NSW nudists who are sufferingdue tothis devastating weather &floods.
Have you seen this thread?

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RE: Spare a thought for Flooded Queensland Nudists.

Clearly no I had not or I would have bumped it - the floods here are devastating and I am being advised to stay out of the Brisbane area where I am expected next week to drop off and fly on.

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RE: Spare a thought for Flooded Queensland Nudists.

I just saw a news report about the flooding there and feel so sorry for the people affected by it,praying for them all.

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Useful link for those with friends in QLD,+Australia&gl=nz&ei=p7UuTdWyLoassAPV3KnuCQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA

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RE: Spare a thought for Flooded Queensland Nudists.

Not just the nudists surely, what about the rest of the people in the floods? or dont they count?
Rhetorical question? Yes they are surely in my thoughts as much as the nudists but this is a nudist site.

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RE: Spare a thought for Flooded Queensland Nudists.

My Thoughts and Prayers go out to all the people affected by this devastating situation.

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