Christians Who Pray And Share
Active Christians who want to share their views on nudity, Christianity, and problems around the world. Most of the groups on this site are very dead. Christ never intended for us to set back and do nothing in times like these. So, if you are willing to share, pray for one another, and send prayer requests, then this is the site for you. If you don't want to share then don't waste our...
come join me tonight is the first one so lets see how we can worship and pray for each other and help each other in our times of need. just click on free connection.
In several occasion I said in some groups and I've wrote as a Christian it in my Profile: GOD CREATED US NUDE: IT'S A SIN TO WEAR CLOTHES. But often I got fierce reactions. Also by Christians. And I ask me, why. When its true, that God...
Hello guys, I wanna chat and make friends. lets see if we have anything in common.
I would like to start a Christian Whorship/share group that can meet online and maybe even in person on Friday nights. Anyone interested. I am usually free 5pm to 10pm Eastern time. Hope we can share and grow closer to God together.
Hi all, My wife has left me, taken the children, and cleaned out most of the cash from the bank accounts. She has filed for divorce. Not going into details here because there are issues on both sides but I would like reconciliation, however she does...
Hello beautiful people Im reaching out to fellow nudists to connect and plan fun activities, beach trips etc.hit me on signal sexylook.90 or zangi(10-4247-5736. lets share some pictures and would love some fun too but with the right person.
Hey lovely , Im Liza, it will be nice meeting you all , lets get to know each other better, naughty, fun, cool chats ? Text me on Zangi ; 1046051841 iMessage ;
I was a hippie nudist back in the 70s -- but after I became a Christian, I didn't think that I should continue. I've been married to my very conservative wife for 32+ years. About six months ago, I began thinking: did I really have to give...
With everything that is happening around the world today does anyone else think we are heading down the road toward the end times as prophesies in the bible say. Wars and rumors of wars, floods, earthquakes, droughts, diseases and one world order as...