50+ Nudies
Don't want to show your beer boep in the company of slim young guys? This group is for you. Join us to get together round the pool and just have fun in the sun or afterwards in the evening.
I ought to post some pics on my profile...anyone volunteer totake some??
- 10 years ago
Where are you? I would if close enough.
- 10 years ago
- I ought to post some pics on my profile...anyone volunteer totake some??............you have a web cam on that computer don't you , then use it , they have up to 10 second timers, unless you have other motives for wanting some one else taking pics .............Ruhl
- 10 years ago
Does it have to be ulterior motives?
Webcam fine for pics at home, but not much good outdoors. Also, no everyone is good at taking selfies. Finally, it's a nice way to make new friends. I have helped friends take pictures, and mine were taken with the help of friends.
- 10 years ago
Cell phones have timer settings. That makes it very easy to get good shots.
- 10 years ago
I ought to post some pics on my profile...anyone volunteer totake some??............you have a web cam on that computer don't you , then use it , they have up to 10 second timers, unless you have other motives for wanting some one else taking pics .............Ruhl
I think that it can be interesting and a good learning experience for two people to team up and take turns being the photographer and the model. That would be an acceptable motive. 10 second timers on cameras are neat, but having someone else running the camera and directing the pose will go a long way especially if you are aiming for artistic and interesting pictures. I do selfies and see a lot of selfies and they get very old after awhile.
- 10 years ago
I ought to post some pics on my profile...anyone volunteer totake some??............you have a web cam on that computer don't you , then use it , they have up to 10 second timers, unless you have other motives for wanting some one else taking pics .............Ruhl
I think that it can be interesting and a good learning experience for two people to team up and take turns being the photographer and the model. That would be an acceptable motive. 10 second timers on cameras are neat, but having someone else running the camera and directing the pose will go a long way especially if you are aiming for artistic and interesting pictures. I do selfies and see a lot of selfies and they get very old after awhile.
I agree, the results are usually far better if someone is viewing the subject, rather than hoping the lens sees what you intend to be shot when using a timer, and its a good way to met new nudist friends too.
- 10 years ago
The man (Targen48)joined only a month ago. If you take the time to read his profile to find that out, you would also see that he is from Great Britain. He is new and maybe he really doesn't know how to take selfies. I would gladly help if we weren't an ocean apart. I would suggest looking on the internet, you will find the information you need, and welcome to TN, Targen48 . I hope your stay will be a long and happy one.
- 10 years ago
Welcome Targen48There are a lot of members of TN in the UK, I'm sure you'll be able to find someone near you to take some pics.I was a little surprised to see the very judgmental post about there being ulterior motives...?! What's all that crap about?We're on this site to make nudist friends right...? We have a fairly large circle of naked friends and we all take pics of each other to be posted to this site or others if we're asked, and our friends do the same...? Is there something weird about that? We have very large naked get togethers at our house or someone elses and we all chip in on food and drink and have a wonderful time. I can't remember being at a party that someone didn't ask me to take a pic of them, or of the couple using their phone or camera?I don't think asking someone to take pictures of them for the site is any reason to judge them... how can a nudist be so uptight about something like this?? It makes no sense to me... am I the only one who feels this way?
- 10 years ago
Cell phones have timer settings. That makes it very easy to get good shots.
Believe it or not, there ARE people who don't have cell phones. 'Course, it's probably mainly old fogies. Oh, wait a minute ...
- 10 years ago
Hi Targen, I will be at the BN meet at Studland, whichis not too far from you on, this coming Bank Holiday Monday and would be happy to help. You will see from my profile that I am 100% straight but I have no problem taking photos for other guys. As a keen amateur photographer I have taken many selfies, but then I have the appropriate equipment, a decent SLR with a tripod and remote shutter release. Many of the ideas from the others who have replied are good but I understand how difficult it can be for a newcomer. If you're interested, drop me a line and we can arrange to meet up.
- 10 years ago