50+ Nudies

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Enjoying the body that I now have...

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There is no greater feeling than being comfortable in my own skin, even at this age. Strange that when younger and more fit, I was a bit concerned about body image. Now that I have more time under me, I'm quite happy with the body I have...wrinkles, bulges and all. Mind you, I do try to keep fit as best I can with running and diet but in the end, today, this is who I am.

Stay nude, my friends!

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

When on a nude beach or venue I always notice that real nudists come in all shapes and sizes, not pin-ups or porn stars. And we all enjoy our nude life with confidence and no hang-ups. That's all we need. Despite being an overweight wrinkly I enjoy being naked and being seen naked. Someone told me I was sexy the other day - probably not true but flattering for a 74 year old.

Come to think of it being relaxed, confident and happy in my own skin might actually be more sexy that any perfect physique.

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

Very well said purtysmile. Be confident in who you are.

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

That's awesome! I have never been confident either. I agree with you, It does boost my confidence having other people see me Naked, because like you say, that's who I really am. Thanks for your post :)

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

Might as well be glad for the body one has. Im sitting here now , naked and a bit buzzed from wine. The alternatives? Well, maybe to be here, naked, and not buzzed, But worse would be not to be here at all ...

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

Nudity is a way of life.
We are all human. We were all born naked.
So why not live naked
When I myself are in the nude around the house, it is as if all my worries disappear. I do all the chaurs around the house in the nude.
It is great to live my life in the nude.

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

I am 74 and always have been heavy. I have no problem being seen naked with the body I have. Always looking for others to socialize with. Lets compare bellied lol. Western Maryland here.

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

I keep a positive attitude and do the best I can. I know my looks are fading or are gone lol but I'm not out for a beauty pageant. I'm me like me or not.
Thumbs up!

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

totally agree

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

When you're getting older, you realise that you're not getting prettier. And somehow I don't care less if I don't look like an 18 yr old god. It's all about acceptance.....

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RE:Enjoying the body that I now have...

When you're getting older, you realise that you're not getting prettier. And somehow I don't care less if I don't look like an 18 yr old god. It's all about acceptance.....

Well said to everyone here. Its taken me some time to realise that Ill never have the body beautiful and, and as the wrinkles multiply, I dont care anymore. Nudism really does help with self body image and has helped me no end accept who I am and what Ill never be and Im really happy with that. To me the naked body is beautiful no matter what age, shape or size. Our bodies should be treasured for the amazing things they are.

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