50 Plus Nudists
A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.
Those were the days said Archie & Edith
Return to DiscussionsProbably not the best lead in but at least it sets the mood. Its five days until Christmas & its not been terribly holiday spirit wise here. Folks have been under the weather to say the least. A multi day hospital stay for the youngest XX of our generation two. That same offspring passed those viral creatures to my XX sweetheart and so spirit has been hiding & very well I might add. But today we had a change for the good especially considering the two aforementioned are improving; I put our live Christmas tree in a pot in the living room. Nothing like a real evergreen for the best deodorizer ever. I pulled out the decorations box & began unpacking. And there they appeared; the ornaments of Christmas past and small hand originals. I found the box of our c h i l d r e n s decorations from through the years. All the smiling faces pasted in the cut out wreaths; the snowmen with those same faces from a year or so later; the popsicle sticks with names written in glitter and the jelly jar top with yet more smiles surrounded by glitter & a ribbon. It really puts a smile on my face. I took pictures of the ornaments on the tree and sent it the respective XY progeny. I havent heard back but suspect its coming. My hope is that in several years, they will have their own collection of smiley face decorations. Then they will smile, too. They dont have a clue about Archie & Edith, but the true meaning will get through none the less. If no one else says it, a merry Christmas to you & yours.
- a year ago
Sorry I missed this post and sorry those days were not as fun as they could have been. Though we did not have illnesses, we had more social time than me and especially my wife, could handle. Di is an introvert. A very shy, private, quiet person. She loves family and friends but she admits she's not a good social gathering hostess.
We had 5 large parties in the weeks of Thanksgiving, through December. We needed two naps each day, trying to recoup for all those days we didn't get any sleep. Between Thanksgiving with our immediate family, my family Christmas gathering of 40 people, then our friends Christmas gathering of a dozen friends, a spontaneous pre-Christmas gathering with immediate family, our annual Christmas with gifts and then Christmas Eve and Day at our daughter's home. We were not only bushed but tired, very, very tired of wearing clothes! hahaha
Our dining room and living room were transformed into a banquet hall. We had large tables, folding chairs and table decorations up for a month. All the regular furniture needed to go someplace, and we had 4 extra chairs in the office. Hardly room to move around. On the night of the 23rd, when our entire immediate family had gone home after our Christmas together, Di and I stripped down and put the house back to normal and finished around midnight. Only saving grace was that we could do it naked.
Our family is growing, and they are all getting older. Our youngest grandchild is almost 14. The other 6 grandkids all have significant others. In the not-too-distant future, we'll have 20 at the dinner table. We will look back on these days and remember, "those were the days" when we were all together and could fit in this house. I find myself with a drink, cup of coffee or tea and sitting on my side of the couch. I'm reminded of Archie sitting in that chair, slumped in the corner of it. I'm watching the grandkids play a game on the carpet, the daughters gabbing with Di, my S'sIL talking about work and then engaging me about our next off-road adventure. Hoping there are many more of those days for us to make memories of.
- a year ago