50 Plus Nudists

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Where were you in *72?

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Am sitting here on the back porch (see my media) listening to the radio and enjoying the great weather. Just got through with a few hours of chores, having a cold beer & watching clouds. The DJ just introduced The Doobie Brothers song *Listen to the Music* and noted it came out in the summer of 1972. It made me remember working at the motorcycle shop that year and racing every chance I got. The Hodaka Super Rat 100 I rode was not competitive but taught me that technique and perseverance could get me on the podium anyway. That year & those that followed allowed me to learn. often the hard way . about the trials & tribulations of life. Anyone else care to comment about *72 or their formative years?

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RE:Where were you in *72?

I was 10 and Linda was 3. We were both growing up in South Georgia, in the USA and neither had a care in the world. We are doing our best to get back to those times when all that mattered was living and enjoying the day.

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RE:Where were you in *72?

In 72 I was just finishing school and playing in a very small band, which was fun. Listing to I Saw the Light Todd Rundgren, Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple, and The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin. Watching movies like The Poseidon Adventure, Deliverance, and The Last House on the Left to name just some of them. Hoping that I would not be called up to go to Vietnam. Somehow I did not get drafted. I guess it was just not my time. Did not meet up with my now wife for some 27 years later.

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RE:Where were you in *72?

Walking confidently by then. Possibly spending a little time at my aunt & uncle's beachside holiday house. The only photos I recall had me in swim trunks rather than less, although small kids running around nude was not unknown.

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