50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

A message to perspective members of this group

Return to Discussions

Many TN members have requested membership to my groups, this one included. I look over your profile, your pictures and the groups you belong to. If you've NOT BEEN APPROVED, here are some reasons why;

1) Your profile is, what I consider, MINIMUALLY filled out. If you won't share anything "About" yourself/yourselves, I won't approve you. The "About" section in your profile must be filled in with some info about yourself/yourselves and not just a line or two.

2) Male TN members. If you have pictures of yourself in your profile and you have an erection. NO chance of approval. Submitting pics of yourself with an erection. I will not approve them. Continual submissions of erection pics and I will delete your membership to the group.

3) If I find that you are geared toward swinging, more adult or sexual type groups, I will NOT approve you to any of my groups. I want my groups to remain G+ rated. I don't mind adult conversation but there is a line I will not cross and will not allow members of my groups to cross.

4) My groups are not hook up sites. If I find that you are looking for a date or your profile is all about finding someone ... it's not happening in my groups. That's not the way to find a mate/significant other. If you're "married but looking", find it elsewhere.

5) If there's more info about your sexual preference than there is about your nudist life and experiences ... I won't approve you.

6) If I find you have more nude pictures than info in your profile, chances are you will not be approved. We know what you've got, we want to know who you are!

If you find it difficult to adhere to these rules or disagree with them, it's a very simple process to start your own group and run it the way you prefer.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

Many TN members have requested membership to my groups, this one included. I look over your profile, your pictures and the groups you belong to.

Thank you. I see sooo many groups now that people have joined that feature only body parts (and mostly women at that) and wonder what the real point of the group is?
Its nice to see that someone is monitoring their own group and keeping out all the "Anyone for chat. PM me," types!

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

Good try Andy, but we need to get prospective members to read what the group is about. Why people want to join a group that they obviously would not fit into is beyond me though.

As an example of what Andy is trying to avoid is the following, its typical of what I see on profiles here -

'Anonymous - 39

Gender M

Orientation Bi-Curious

Height 0' 0"

Weight 0

Hometown N/A

Education N/A

Religion N/A

Income Level N/A

Anonymous - 47

Gender F

Orientation Bi-Curious

Height 0' 0"

Weight 0

Hometown N/A

Religion N/A'

They ( or is it he?) come from a country where English is widely spoken, so that should not be the cause of the problem, though when a couple are both 0' 00" tall they might not be able to see the computer/phone screen to read anything. He has no media and only appears to have female friends, most of whom seem likely to men. They belong to one group and have no locations of anything else that might disprove my theory that they are a sad and single man.

Life has a lot going for it, dealing with timewasters is not high on y priority list.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

I'm not sure if what I've just seen here means that 50 is the new 18, or if 18 is the new 50. An application to join this group from someone claiming to be 18.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

Sadly ... I've gotten to the point of not allowing anyone to join if I haven't seen them around the site at all. Out of 6-10 perspective members, I may only allow 1. ALL the others have either not read the rules to join, ignore the rules to join or don't meet the criteria and I've grown tired of spending my time looking their profiles up to find they do not meet the minimum.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

Thank you for "gleening" the groups that you moderate. I appreciate being in a group that is made up of real people

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

I agree with all the above...only real people need apply! Go Andy.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

Bump ...

Some of you guys that are trying to join need to read the rules of this group. Get over yourselves and dump the erection photos of yourself in your profiles or just keep getting denied entry into any of the groups I Mod.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group


Please read this before you request membership. Apologies to members about the number of times we bump this post, but...........!!!

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

Right above your message it reads; Home]] 50 + Nudists ]] Perspective members ...

The 50 + Nudists group.

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RE:A message to perspective members of this group

To AussieDain .

The group is mentioned as 50+ Nudists .

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