50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

A message to prospective members of this group

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Prospective members
being denied ... This thread is intended for those members wishing
to join this group but are being denied, by me, for various

The rules state clearly that BLANK, PRIVATE or MINIMALLY filled out
profiles will not be allowed to join. Posting
numerous pictures of yourself, you and your spouse are not enough
to join this group or any of the groups I moderate. Filling
out your profile is more important than pages of nude pictures.

Furthermore ... and this pertains to the male members here on TN;
if your profile contains pictures of yourself with an erection or
pictures focused on your penis ... I will NOT allow you to join
this group or any of the groups I moderate.


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RE: A message to prospective members of this group

Very well said...I wish that the same criteria was applied across the board. Keep up the good work. John.


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RE: A message to prospective members of this group

It is perplexing. I also never understood men joining ladies groups nor the group owner allowing it.It's seldom that I will post in the Ladies Only forum section. If I find a topic of some interest and Di is at her computer, I'll ask her for her response to the question and post exactly what she says to me. Other than that ... I think it's important to have a section for younger people and women ONLY so they can discuss whatever they'd like without so many of these guys taking over the subject and telling these two groups of nudist what they think.

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RE: A message to prospective members of this group

Well said

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RE: A message to prospective members of this group


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RE: A message to prospective members of this group


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RE:A message to prospective members of this group

Prospective membersbeing denied ... This thread is intended for those members wishingto join this group but are being denied, by me, for variousreasons.

I realize I am not quite 50, but thank you for letting me join. Its always interesting participating in the various groups and seeing other points of view.


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