50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

We have 47 years Monday

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It is great to see so many long time married couples. Wish everybody a great year and happy one

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

Congrats, We will have 43 years in November

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

I have turned 54 years last July 22 and my ex-wife he will be 50 years next September 23 . Congratulations to all those who celebrate the birthday in this period .

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

congrats and many more to come

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

Sorry to hear of your wife's passing. The grief can be overwhelming.

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

that is awesome, congratulations

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

By now you've passed 47 and are working on 48. Keep up the
good work. It seems like you both have 'keepers'.
And...I agree with Pat..."Yes, dear" is always the right
response. John.

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RE: We have 47 years Monday

A belated anniversary wish for you guys. Congratulations on all the wonderful mornings and evenings you have had together. I know I still look over at my bride every day and thank god that I was so lucky to find a woman with the patience to put up with my stuff all these years. This Halloween we will have 36 years. Again a very Happy Anniversary to you. Pete n Jody

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