50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

So we are all getting on, some (like me at 72) more than others. Surely we all have something we want to do before we die. One of mine was to be sponsored naked foe a charity. I've done that. One remaining is to pose nude for a life-drawing class.

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RE:Bucket List

I'm guessing that you mean a bucket list to do as nudists. I'd like to live in a nudist community and just forget about those things called clothes forever. But, that means emigrating and I don't think selling up here would cover all the costs that would incur. So to keep it more realistic I'd like it if there were more clothing-optional cultural events. I've been to places like restaurants and art galleries when they've had clothing optional sessions. I also join in with naked bike rides and a few nude hiking groups , one has a walk planned next Saturday and would like to be able to socialise nude more widely, outside of the normal nudist circles. There is a clothing optional (for the audience, the cast will be nude at times!)performance of 'Hair' in Waterloo, London next weekend. I'm not suggesting that nudists should turn up at events and take their clothes off, more that events and venues consider catering for nudists more. The clothing optional events that I have been to have been well attended by genuine nudists - the all over tans give us away!

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RE:Bucket List

Nudist Bucket list;

A nude cruise with our closest nudist friends, La Jenny in France for an extended stay and a round of naked golf, buy a small place at a nude resort/club for long getaways and entertaining nudist friends, a cross country motorhome drive where I/we are naked and going from club/resort to club/resort and only putting on clothes when absolutely necessary... many more but like to concentrate on the few that are actually attainable.

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RE:Bucket List

I havent thought about bucket....i just may start making one....

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RE:Bucket List

There is a clothing optional (for the audience, the cast will be nude at times!)performance of 'Hair' in Waterloo, London next weekend.

I'll be there, having checked all my clothes in at the cloakroom. That's another one off the bucket list. It would be even batter if I got to be on stage naked. We booked early which was just as well because it's sold out

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RE:Bucket List

There are probably a lot of things I would like to try naked, but for right now I want to climb a peak naked. I hope to check that one off soon. It will just take the right weather, and preferably a friend to hike with. Got 70% of the way there once, but ran out of time.

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RE:Bucket List

There is a clothing optional (for the audience, the cast will be nude at times!)performance of 'Hair' in Waterloo, London next weekend.I'll be there, having checked all my clothes in at the cloakroom. That's another one off the bucket list. It would be even batter if I got to be on stage naked. We booked early which was just as well because it's sold out

Do you still need an Equity card to get on theater stages when the performance is not an amateur production in the UK? If so, unless you've already got one, you need to sort that out quick.

My list has now got lot longer, thinking about everyone else's 'to dos' I've done some but there are plenty of others there that appeal. I've got this picture in my head of lots of nudists racing all over the place crossing off things on their lists. If anyone accuses nudists of being a lazy bunch, judged from numerous photos of us laying on beaches and poolside loungers, they can think again

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RE:Bucket List

To be naked for an entire week.
Want to find a week to be shirtless first, and then go for completely nude the nest time.

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RE:Bucket List

Posing nude for an art class is still on my list but I'm working on it. I did tick off buying a McDonald's naked, posing on a bridge over the motorway (Freeway)and being next to naked in a (textile) place full of tourists.

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RE:Bucket List

Have you thought of the wind-chill with naked skydiving. It's extremely cold up there.

I drive naked a lot and want to do it in an open-top convertible or on a quad bike. I also want to be a naked waiter/butler for a ladies dinner party.

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RE:Bucket List

In about 3 years we will be able to fulfill our naked bucket list.

1. Travel to San Diego, turn north and head up the California coast to Oregon or Washington where we will hop on a boat and cruise to Alaska. We will stay at nudist resorts along the way.
2. Visit the Caribbean. I asked her where she wanted to go for our 30th(2020). Hawaii or the Caribbean. She picked the Caribbean. I've started planning this one. Rent a house on St. Martin and visit all 3 nude beaches I'm aware of.
3. Have an rv or cabin at a nude resort for longer stays.

Items we've checked off:
visit nude beach
visit nude resort
live as nude as we can

Several of the greatest friends we have were developed thru our naked travels

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