50 Plus Nudists
A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.
Body Parts
Return to DiscussionsBy all means this is not a woes me thing in the least. That said I have due to my career choice to have pressed myself in need of several body parts replacements required . Unfortunately NAPA does not stock those things. I know I am headed for the guillotineof bed ridden pain. I went through something of the sorts in 2014.
Luann arranged friends from our club to sit and mind me during the last time. It's different now with several of those friends relocating since. If someone that wasn't a nudist that happen to come in to say hi
she just explained it was easier to care for being naked. ( That girl can get away with anything :)
ISince so many of them have relocated worries me bit.
- 2 years ago
I know that you must be hurting to even mention it, the life of a real working man is often difficult. My few small trials at HVAC told me without a doubt that it is hard work. And, if you get a little unlucky, it can be even worse. A close relative fell and broke both feet and ankles, had major surgery to rebuild and was bedridden for months. Thats all I will disclose, but after many more months of recovery and rehab, he was again able to function in public. It was a long and arduous journey but he made it. Many others have done the same, I know you will too. Hang in there. John
- 2 years ago
By all means this is not a woes me thing in the least. That said I have due to my career choice to have pressed myself in need of several body parts replacements required . Unfortunately NAPA does not stock those things. I know I am headed for the guillotineof bed ridden pain. I went through something of the sorts in 2014.Luann arranged friends from our club to sit and mind me during the last time. It's different now with several of those friends relocating since. If someone that wasn't a nudist that happen to come in to say hishe just explained it was easier to care for being naked. ( That girl can get away with anything :)ISince so many of them have relocated worries me bit.
Not hearing from you for longer spurts of time worries me a bit. It's good to read you're able to get on and post once in a while. Think about you almost daily and wonder how it's going. TG for Luann. She's a beautiful and strong woman to step in, take charge of your business and take care of you. Sending you all the best my friend.
- 2 years ago
Thanks all for your thoughts. I to this day am the happiest man no matter what is happening. One of my best friends who relocated some years ago I talked to her today and relayed the same message and she knows it to be true. I've been on vacation for 25 years with my Luann. So no there is no pity party here.
If I'm not sick and nauseated I get on here and want to keep in touch with y'all. Don't count the happy guy out just yet!
Two of our sons visited tonight and it's great to see how well they have launched. Our #2 son can't pop in being 1200 miles away. Not only is he successful in his career he took over the lead with our classic car enthusiasm. Dang that is a spendy undertaking!
- 2 years ago
Its really good to hear that; I feel the same way about my sweetie. Having a wonderful wife is the most important thing ever. Do take care of yourself, it sounds trite but most important. Figure out whats important and everything else can wait. Glad to hear the mention of the sons, having them move along really makes it worthwhile for all those days of football, baseball, soccer & waiting in the parking lot (@ 4AM) for the band to return. You know the drill. Keep us posted. John
- 2 years ago
I wanted to throw this out for good measure as it took me a while to figure it out. Theres always stuff to do in the yard whether it be limbs, grass, garden, gutters or fencing. It never ends. After finding myself worn out at days end too many times, I started experimenting with varying lengths of work hours. The short version is, for me, working steadily for a large portion of the morning, then a leisurely lunch and oddball single tasks for the afternoon leaves me functional & minimal back pain that evening. That in turn allows me to have another *honey-do* for the next day. Maybe this will help some folks out there but I at least wanted to pass along my experience. Any one else have a method they use?
- 2 years ago
Di's a list maker. Lists for just about everything. I'd have to say I have a "never ending" honey do list. Some of the tasks/projects are small and some are moderate to large. She never cares what order I do them, so I jump around a bit. I find that I can knock out most of one list by spreading out and doing a little of this and a little of that. Keeps me moving which keeps the joints moving and the back moving. As long as I don't sit too long on this damn computer, I'd feeling okay most days.
- 2 years ago
My Honey Do List is mostly inside. Most of the outside stuff is just what I do. By the time I do that work, her list gets pushed back, at least the big stuff like finishing the bathroom remodel project that I started some years ago. When it gets warm like it is now, I come in the house for a glass of tea and find myself waking up to a sweating glass of tea and time to put away my tools I left out.
So much for working on the bathroom today.
- 2 years ago
Welcome to the group Army Guy. Glad you survived the jump and found some relaxation in nudity.
- a year ago
I wanted to pass along this health tip for us older folks that have beaten up our joints. About 9 or 10 years ago, I started having a needle type sharp pain in my ankles; it was infrequent at first but became more frequent. Soon thereafter, the same type of experience moved to my knees and then later to my hip. As a person who has spent most of their working life on their feet, I had to start searching. Somehow, I came to the conclusion that shock was being transferred from my feet up as I walked around on concrete all day. Suspecting that a Dr visit would be $$$s & pills, I started looking for really good shoes. To make a short story of it, I found a shoe store that catered to a serious group of athletes. After a 60 mile drive to the store & a little professional evaluation, I purchased really good running shoes. It was a lot of $$$s but a lot less than a Dr visit. I still make an annual pilgrimage and the pain has never returned. Maybe this information can help some of my fellow seasoned citizens.
- a year ago
John, what shoes did you buy? Im curious? I used to wear ASICS Gel Nimbus but have switched to Brooks ghost 15.
- a year ago