Airbnb And Accommodation For Nudist

---- PLEASE HAVE A VISIBLE PROFILE PICTURE---- Group for all those men who want to share a place in their home with other nudist men, and for all those in search of a room or accommodation for their vacations. Feel free to create a new topic with your listing on Airbnb. Would be good if you try to follow this format on the title of the topic: City - Country type of accommodation.

Naked studio or b&b near Uzes, south france

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We rent an independent studio in Saint Siffret near Uzes in the Gard - also naked b&b in our area of the house - not overlooked and you can be naked anytime and anywhere. Contact me for details and pics - Martin.

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RE:Naked studio or b&b near Uzes, south france

Nous nous dplaons en camping car, y a-t-il moyen de stationner ?

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RE:Naked studio or b&b near Uzes, south france

To bad I did not know this. I was just in Uzes two weeks ago.

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RE:Naked studio or b&b near Uzes, south france

Really sorry I didnt see your reply to my post - sorry also to have missed you! Are you likely to be visiting France again?

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RE:Naked studio or b&b near Uzes, south france

Bonjour - vraiment dsol dtre en retard - je nai pas vu votre message. Avec le studio il y a un petit jardin - ce sera un peu juste pour un camping car - notre maison est en plein milieu dun village donc on na pas un grand terrain. Martin

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