Australia Nude Places

A place to find out all the great places to be naked in Australia. Feel free to add as much info and directions about our wonderful country's nude places, beaches, water holes, lakes, clubs, hiking trails etc.

Would you host a nudist in your home?

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Are you interested in meeting fellow nudists? Would you ever host a nudist in your own home? Have you already done it? If you are interested in hosting then leave a comment below (and tell us roughly where you live)

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Absolutely! Currently looking for a long term house share male nudist.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Considering that I'm living in a caravan, that might be a bit tricky for me.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Castlemaine, Central Victoria here. I would welcome a nudist guest with open arms. I have a very private sundeck, and a spare bedroom, oh as well as being a friendly host. PM to me if interested

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

That sounds lovely, Garry!

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Have been hosting nudists for many years. Happy to continue doing so if we can make it work between my travels. nude guests next in June.

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Most definitely why not in the warmer months we my gal and I seldom have clothes on.

House is a bit of a disaster area due to never ending renovations and the thought that we wouldnt be here this long anyway would be great if my gal had gals days nights here and motivated by the warmth to clothes off and carry on as normal.

Id then be able to drop em not that Id have had an issue b4 but my gal may not think it the best me nude as her friends turned up , they probably would have taken in the nude man and not known the expression to convey tried to avert their eyes and then started to let there eyes wander and possibly the more open ones would say Im joinig you ha ha

Anyway me entering a room full of nude women and then doing as them would be great. So a guest arriving coming in to find like minded nude couple would avoid any someones at the door shorts on and simply open and say hi and instead of clothes on the guest would be clothes off.

I truly believe we as nudists should be creating more nude places and closing of once nude beaches and other public locations in this 2020s is bizarre and seems devolved but Australia definitely has definitely become less progressive as it was years ago. Id love to see a public pool out of ordinary swimsuit wearing swimmers hours to host clothing optional swimming and a more friendly place for female nudists to go to as the nude beaches seem to have been taken over by men scaring a lot of females away. Nude restaurants pubs bars nude lawn bowls nude days in the park. And shed the conservative obsession with indecent exposure.

So hosting nude guests may be a way to revive the nude movement

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Naturally, of course. Thru the years we have numerous times. Especially when we lived at a resort. Also at other residences.

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

We are in NW Indiana just south of Chicago. We welcome any fellow nudist and have had quite a few naked friends visit, We have lots of room on our little ranch. Our back yard is totally private and we also have naked game nights in our home. So if any nudist is traveling through, feel free to contact us and we will certainly host you.

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Yes, without a doubt! We've hosted numberous gatherings at our house and will continue to do so. Sometimes we ask for monetary donations for the food we cook and other times we don't mention it at all. We've had many good times together of fellowship and friendships!

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  • a year ago
RE:Would you host a nudist in your home?

Yes I would love to host fellow nudist's in my home anytime, door is open here year around just let me know when your coming

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  • 10 months ago