. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

Just to get an idea of how our members hang, I thought a poll might be fun. Let us know the following as to how your balls hang:
"A" Group: High or minimally hanging balls;

"B" Group:
Low hangers;

"C" Group:
Super Low Hangers (bottom of balls hang below tip of your flaccid penis.

Feel free to add photos, descriptive text as well.

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RE:A Brief Survey

Benn hanging in the sun. Definitely a C today.

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RE:A Brief Survey

I Am definitely a C group guy. My balls have always hung and swung, I can swing them between my legs when goofing off.

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RE:A Brief Survey

Come hither and place them in my hand so I may inspect them. (Hehe)

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RE:A Brief Survey

Lol Cs?

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RE:A Brief Survey

You can tell the temperature by mine, right now it's chilly so A. Usually when it's warmer I'm a B, in the summer time C, and lefty always hangs lower. lol I do enjoy the feel when they are fully extended.

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RE:A Brief Survey

Hey there. Thanks for allowing me to join.I am a B group. Left hangs lower than the right.

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RE:A Brief Survey

I am most definitely an A , except for very hot days, and sunbathing nude, when I am a B

Nice body

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RE:A Brief Survey

If it's warm or I've been in a hot tub, sauna, or steam room, I'm definitely a C. The right one is about twice the size of the left.

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RE:A Brief Survey

I'm usually "C"

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RE:A Brief Survey

I mostly really like my low-hangers. I like how they look, I like how they feel, I enjoy playing with them.I say unfortunately because low hangers can be very uncomfortable at timesHowever, one time I was in a gas-station men's room, sat down on the toilet and my ball hung down into the water. Admittedly, the water was really high, but if I'd had a tight sack, my balls would not have been in the water. I'd like to be more of a shower, but I certainly would have found that inconvenient at that particular time.

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