. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

Men who lost them!

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Anyone else out there who are lucky to still be here but without your balls?

Last year fell and smashed one. At that time they found a suspicious tumor on the remaining one but said we will wait and see and removed the smashed one replacing it with a fake one.
A month ago now the tumor was considered malignant or necrotic they were not sure which but no choice any longer it had to come out. They replaced it with a fake one again. My system was reacting and irritated by both silicone balls like it was a silicone overload. One sneeze later and a hemorrhage from hell started scrotum was size of child football by the time they did emergency surgery during which I stopped breathing. Yup these surgeries can be dangerous. Im still hear thank God but in the end I paid 6 grand for fake balls and lost both of them also in order to stop the bleeding.
Im still hear and staying strong. I know balls dont make the man.
But it is still a strange thing to have to wrap your head around that and the fact for life Im taking testosterone shots every two weeks

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RE:Men who lost them!

Wow sounds like you went though hell but survived and that's what's important . several years back I had my left testicle removed my friend who is castrated along with his wife almost had me convinced to just have both testicles removed during surgery and the doctor was ok with that or just the enlarged one telling me the few pros and the cons to total castration . in the end just my left testicle was removed and I opted not for the fake implant. in the end what convinced me was the shots , I don't like shots but I still wonder about castration as I enjoy being with my friend .

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RE:Men who lost them!

I know folks who have been castrated and its a big thing for sure. Not easy for many I dont think

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RE:Men who lost them!

How are you adjusted to eunuch life? Know quite a few castrated men. Most seem much happier with no testes

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RE:Men who lost them!

I wouldnt recommend castration just because youre bored with it. It yes does still serve a purpose and give testosterone. I dont like shots either and I have to do them weekly now. However you do after a bit get over them a little.
Now that both are gone I still get pain sensations there yet so hope that goes away. Just got told Im back on the watch list as my lymph node is solid and hard now. Making me wait a year before the do another procedure for it. The last procedure was very painful and unless necessary I wouldnt recommend it. How did yours get swollen was it cancer or damage? There is one other thing to keep in mind when you loose one your risk of cancer in the remaining one is 50 percent greater. So I guess there is that and in my case that took less than a year and why the second one went.

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RE:Men who lost them!

I know folks who have been castrated and its a big thing for sure. Not easy for many I dont think

That is an understatement

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RE:Men who lost them!

How are you adjusted to eunuch life? Know quite a few castrated men. Most seem much happier with no testes

I guess I dont look at it as eunuch life. I look at it as a medically life saving change and I am the same person I was before with the exception my testosterone comes as a shot now and is at the level of a twenty year old. I am the same I was only underwear is more roomy. Then again most of the time Im still commando so more room in the pants. And no more balls getting caught under the leg ironically the sack still does lol

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RE:Men who lost them!

To qualify to use the tern eunuch against someone loosely as some have here is inappropriate.
Just because someone has gone thru a tragedy that resulted in loss of the testicle or testicles doesnt mean they are eunuch. One also has to identify with that themselves and classify themselves that way.
So dont label something or someone you dont know. I shared a tragic story only to promote mens health awareness not to promote an outlying term people seem to like to throw around. Note: my hormone levels not that it is anyones business are at levels of my twenties or maybe better. Everything still functions normally. Note: if someone wants to identify as a eunuch fine more power to you just dont push it on someone else especially when they are dealing with a big enough struggle.
Keep in mind in not judging anyone just dont want be or appreciate being labeled and assumptions made about me from people who dont even know me. If you are struggling with tumors or cancer and want to talk great. If you want to ask advice about removing your balls because you just want to remove them and want to know it it is lighter without them. Dont bother Im not here to answer those questions i may be a certified Benedictine theologian but I am just a man trying to walk the path of god the best I can like every one else. Support for one another going through a struggle is one thing medical advise and counseling is another I am neither of those and you might need to seek out one of them for those questions.
Best wishes and health to every one and god bless from just a humble man of God following his teaching and path one day at a time happy in each days blessing that there is another day for each day is a gift and present from him maybe we should all look at each day that way and just be who we are and were created as since everyday is a lesson of life love and happiness.

Other than support during your struggle and such please no emails or messages.

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