. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

Just to get an idea of how our members hang, I thought a poll might be fun. Let us know the following as to how your balls hang:
"A" Group: High or minimally hanging balls;

"B" Group:
Low hangers;

"C" Group:
Super Low Hangers (bottom of balls hang below tip of your flaccid penis.

Feel free to add photos, descriptive text as well.

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RE:A Brief Survey

A group for me

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RE:A Brief Survey

Definitely A Group for me. I do appreciate the fellas in B and C though.

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RE:A Brief Survey

A if it's cool. B if it's warm. Wish I were in the B-C group, and I wear ball weights occasionally (situation permitting). Those have helped, but would probably take wearing them a whole lot more to really change things.

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RE:A Brief Survey

Given all the feedback, has anyone done an analysis? Where do we sit on average? What % for each group?

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RE:A Brief Survey

Group A the majority of the time. On a really hot and humid day I become a Group B, which is what I wished I was every day.

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