. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

Naked projects

Hi guys, Maybe some of you know my dressed-undressed blog: Last year I startarted with a few similar projects - an extended version of my previous blog, one for home nudists,...

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Love lying nude in sun, lounge chair and...

In central Rocky Mtn regions, like exhibiting nude. Tanning the cock and nuts in public is definite attraction. Love lying nude w legs open so other bros can check me out, even paw my nuts.. hmu

Single Ball.

Hey everybody haven't noticed any body putting on here where they only have a single ball. Will explain here. I only have one ball hanging in my sac below my cock. I have never had a problem with the single as I always got hard and even produced...

C group

I guess Im a C grouper, my balls hang below my penis. I dont care who sees them. I was looking to see others here but no one seems to want to show theirs. Oh well, here are a few pictures of mine. I hope you ladies enjoy the view.

Steel Rings feel SO Good

Just wanted to wake up the balls community. Heres me at 7 rings, hoping to get an 8th on comfortably soon. I will create a post soon about my stretching life. (Please dont copy my image, thanks)

Latest PostLooks great!!!
by profkilt 
wooden chair on a hot day is not a good...

At a naked camp out, we were sitting around chatting and I was sitting in a very comfortable, but old chair which had spaces between the wooden slats. Someone had invited me over and I did not have my towel (which is always polite at nude events),...

Why ?

Why are my pictures consistently taken down when they're no more explicit than anything else on this site? The pics I post or fully within the guidelines so please leave them alone. Thank you.


Hi, I am 35 years old, just start to have fun with ball ring (34mm) its fun that I can wear at work. I was thinking about some ball stretcher with more weight. Any advise? Can I have it on my balls 8h at work? Its ok to wear with boxers or better...

Pumping Your Balls or Saline Infusion

I went thru a phase in my 50's when I was obsessed with pumping my balls. Had various tubes and the hand held pump. I damn near pumped every day. My goal was to get my balls monster huge. If you have ever seen a set of balls that have been...