Bare Necessities 2020 Nude Cruise
This group is designed as a gathering place those who will be going on this particular SOLD OUT cruise Feb 23 - March 1, 2020. Bare Necessities is a travel planner in Austin TX. See their website at for details on the cruise.
Get Together
Return to DiscussionsAs I see people that are going on the cruise I would like to keep a list of names and room numbers so we can get in touch and have a get together. If you would like to be on that list you can email me through here if you do not want it posted public. I can't wait until it gets here and see everyone!
- 6 years ago
Cabin . . . . user name . . . . . Names
6205 . . . . . ma_jandc . . . . . John & Carolyn
- 6 years ago
Cabin. . . . .6255, , , , user name. . . . jim-marie-yardart, , , ,Name . . . . .Jim & Marie
- 6 years ago
we are Glen & Linda in cabin 8184 & This will be our 7th nude cruise.
- 6 years ago
Jim and Barbara, cabin 6146. 1st time BN cruisers
- 6 years ago
Cabin...... User name...... Name.......
4193 1smoothie-Steve Steve
- 5 years ago
We are John and Beth. Cabin 5147. First time on a nude cruise. Always like making new friends.
- 5 years ago
Haha Ed I will find you!
- 5 years ago
1st time on the boat. Jersey has our cabin number. Looking forward to it. Its going to be a blast. Look forward to meeting some folks from here.
- 5 years ago
how will we each get a copy of the list that you are compiling?
Normally the original poster can update message #1 to add something like:
Cabin . . . . user name . . . . . . . . . . Names
4193 . . . . . 1smoothie-Steve . . . Steve
5147 . . . . . JohnTN . . . . . . . . . . . . John & Beth
6146 . . . . . deputydog1157 . . . Jim & Barbara
6205 . . . . . ma_jandc . . . . . . . . . . . John & Carolyn
6255 . . . . . jim-marie-yardart . Jim & Marie
7130 . . . . . Bhappynude . . . . . . . George & Janet
8116 . . . . . rubkat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruben & Kathy
8134 . . . . . Ed-in-Hickory . . . . . . ?
8184 . . . . . GlenandLinda . . . . . Glen & Linda
???? . . . . . . . jersegirl56nc
???? . . . . . . . Iowacouple
- 5 years ago
how will we each get a copy of the list that you are compiling?Normally the original poster can update message #1 to add something like:Cabin . . . . user name . . . . . . . . . . Names4193 . . . . . 1smoothie-Steve . . . Steve5147 . . . . . JohnTN . . . . . . . . . . . . John & Beth6146 . . . . . deputydog1157 . . . Jim & Barbara6205 . . . . . ma_jandc . . . . . . . . . . . John & Carolyn6255 . . . . . jim-marie-yardart . Jim & Marie7130 . . . . . Bhappynude . . . . . . . George & Janet8116 . . . . . rubkat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruben & Kathy8134 . . . . . Ed-in-Hickory . . . . . . ?8184 . . . . . GlenandLinda . . . . . Glen & Linda???? . . . . . . . jersegirl56nc???? . . . . . . . Iowacouple
- 5 years ago