Couchsurfing Nudists Unite

This is a group for nudists who would like to connect with other nudists around the world for hospitality and cultural exchange. Youre encouraged to post your travels or if youre hosting, your location and availability.

Vancouver B.C. from June 26

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Hi, here is a nudie traveller from Switzerland. Since 2015 I was on the road for 5 years on a solar powered e-assisted recumbent trike, went from Europe across Asia and around Australia to end up in New Zealand, where I had to take a break due to the pandemic.
Finally, I could return to New Zealand and shipped my trike to Vancouver. I will arrive in Vancouver on June 19. and already found accommodation until the 26th. But my trike is now scheduled to arrive on the 26th and it surely needs some time until It's cleared of the customs. I need some days to fix it and get ready for the next adventure in B.C. and Alberta.
Because my trike and trailer is 5.55 m long and 1m wide it's difficult to find something to store. I can separate the trike from the trailer, then the trailer is 3.8m long and the trike 2m long. But I can't take it up or down stairs. I hope someone here will have something or know somewhere to store that thing and where I could stay. Hope someone can help me out, or have a suggestion for me. (See my pics for the Trike)

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