Doctor, I Am Fully Naked!
Have you been through medical exam fully naked? How about cystoscopy and/or colonoscopy? What were the experiences like? [CYSTOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the lining of the bladder and the urethra by a cystoscope into the penis. COLONOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the colon (large intestine) and rectum by inserting a colonoscope (a long, flexible tube) into the...
Return to DiscussionsOver the last year and a half or so Ive been having several medical issues going on. The worst is my back which Ive got surgery coming up this week to try and help with. With my back problems last fall I was falling multiple times per day...really not good. Anyway about the same time I developed a hydrocele where an internal sack that one of the testes is in fills with fluid so my right testicle looks to be about the size of a small peach. Not a serious problem, just annoying and looks a bit strange. Yes, there have been jokes about me having big balls :D. This is another issue Im going to have to get surgically taken care of but the back is more urgent. Anyway, to get this diagnosed and make sure its not a more significant problem needing to be addressed Ive had three different visits to my urologist. The urologist is young (probably early 30s), female, and fairly cute. She is very professional which I appreciate. Each time shes had me remove my pants (I never wear underwear) and she has very professionally held and moved my scrotum and penis to examine it. Its a doctor visit but it is so strange to have a female having me stand in front of her while she sits and examines me at eye level. Its not at all exciting but is strange as Ive been married 36 years and although Im a nudist and dont care who sees me, its different having a cute woman examining me that closely. The strangest was when my wife came with me and was right there to my side.
- 4 years ago
Yes, I did see the post.
I had a testicular hydrocele about two years ago on my left testicle. Like yours, mine swelled up to the size of a mandarin orange, and was painful. I had an operation to remove the sac that was filling up ... the sac that the testicle was actually inside. There was some internal bleeding after that, when it looked like my hydrocele became a "hemocele" -- but that swelling went down, and everything was back to normal after a few weeks. It was painful to sit down for long periods of time, and I had to miss the funeral of a dear friend of mine because it was a three-hour car ride away.
I hope that back operation you mentioned turns out OK. I just received word yesterday that a friend of mine suffered a broken back in an ultralight aircraft crash. I talked to him the next day and he says he's got a lot of hardware in his back that he didn't have before. Prognosis ... well, we'll see. But he wasn't paralyzed, and the doctors are "guardedly optimistic."
- 4 years ago
FullSun wrote. The urologist is young (probably early 30s), female, and fairly cute. She is very professional which I appreciate. Each time shes had me remove my pants (I never wear underwear) and she has very professionally held and moved my scrotum and penis to examine it. Its a doctor visit but it is so strange to have a female having me stand in front of her while she sits and examines me at eye level. Its not at all exciting but is strange as Ive been married 36 years and although Im a nudist and dont care who sees me, its different having a cute woman examining me that closely.
That happened to me last year! Only it was for a kidney stone, and the practitioner was a physician's assistant. She was an absolute fox. But she had to examine my penis and testicles. I wasn't worried about an erection, although she was the first woman (except for my wife) to touch my junk in almost forty years.
Before the examination, she called in another PA in the practice as a witness that there were no shenanigans going on. Required by law, she said, although like you I didn't care about that and trusted her to be professional.
- 4 years ago
I wrote:I had a testicular hydrocele about two years ago on my left testicle. Like yours, mine swelled up to the size of a mandarin orange, and was painful.
And blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry for giving everybody TMI; I though it was a private post to FullSun. I'm still trying to figure out this site. FullSun, if you want to discuss it further, you can PM me and I'll respond in kind.
And for those who are wondering anyway, yes, I've made a full recovery. It took less time than I thought it would. And AFAIK, there was no damage to my reproductive system or testosterone level.
- 4 years ago
I had my own bout with prostate cancer so had to go through biopsies (not fun of course) and prostatectomy, then later 2 months of radiation.
I've become somewhat friends with the urologists's middle-aged female assistant. I mentioned not being shy because my wife and I go to hot springs etc. nude, and she admitted she used to skinnydip in hot springs in California. One time, after some procedure that left me sitting on the exam table with a shirt on and nothing else, with my clothes across the room, I said it doesn't bother me, she said it wouldn't bother her, so I walked "bottomless" across the room and got dressed as she did her post-procedure routine. Very casual and professional. I think she's a little less circumspect than the urologist (who is male).
- 4 years ago
I taught over 30 years in a community college that has a nursing department. At one point Id taught probably half the nurses in my county. I developed what turned out to be prostate trouble so had to see a urologist. As the nurse was inserting lidocaine gel in my penis in preparation for a cystoscopic exam she asked if she could get some advice. She knew I taught at the local college and it turned out she wanted to convert her RN degree to a BS RN. I went into advising mode and told her what all to register for as she was holding my penis and clamping it as if it was a standard in my office student advisement. Our college had a female president who was fabulous. I had occasion to talk to her about something related to school and said. Guess what I did yesterday? I advised a female student without my pants on while she was holding my penis. The President gasp I then related the circumstances. Her comment was well you have truly gone BEYOND the call of duty as an advisor! Guess who was enrolled in my class the very next semester ? Yes that same nurse. For years after I had taught her I saw her at that Office as well as all over town. Incredibly professional it never phased her and she turned out to be one of the nicest medical folks I ever had work on me.
- 4 years ago