Doctor, I Am Fully Naked!

Have you been through medical exam fully naked? How about cystoscopy and/or colonoscopy? What were the experiences like? [CYSTOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the lining of the bladder and the urethra by a cystoscope into the penis. COLONOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the colon (large intestine) and rectum by inserting a colonoscope (a long, flexible tube) into the...

Admitted to hospital

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Some years ago (2014) I drowned myself in a nude-only swimming pool in Spain. I was resuscitated and flown to a teaching hospital (even though it was only half an hour's drive away). I remember being wheeled naked through accident and emergency and being examined by various specialists on the way. It was very public, surrounded by medics and other patients. Eventually I ended up in intensive care and remained naked throughout the first week. Only when I was no longer attached to drips and monitoring equipment did they offer me a gown. My clothes arrived another week later.

One of the first things done to me was by a young female nurse - inserting a catheter in my penis. Well there was no way I was getting up for a pee with all those pipes and wires attached. I have to say that all the medics were caring, friendly and expert. My being naked gave them better access to the patient (myself) and made my stay more pleasant.

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RE:Admitted to hospital

I'm surprised that they don't at least cover you with a sheet or a blanket!

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RE:Admitted to hospital

I'm surprised that they don't at least cover you with a sheet or a blanket!

They did put a sheet over me but it got in the way of all those pipes and wires so I threw it off. They soon learnt not to. Incidentally the bed bath was another pleasant experience, maybe because of who gave me it and their gentle care of every part of me.

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RE:Admitted to hospital

Mine was not an emergency procedure, but a scheduled in advance heart surgery to correct a bad heart valve. I.knew they would shave my chest which meant losing about a dozen hairs. But was surprised when the nurse shaved off most of pubes and the inside of both legs above and below the knee " just in case the doc needs to do something special" where the nurse's explanation. For some reason I felt more exposed then than I had ever felt before or since.

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RE:Admitted to hospital

I hope that you will recover quickly. Shoulder injuries can be rough on a person. You never really know how much you rely on a certain part of the body or muscles until you are restricted or not allowed to use that body part. The most frustrating thing about injuries is that they take time to heal. When the time comes, ease back into daily routine so that you won't agitate your shoulder.

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RE:Admitted to hospital

I have been totally nude in front of many doctors and nurses over the years. Most of them were while in the military or the VA strangely enough. Once when getting a physical for a job in Colorado, I was told to get nude by my female doctor so she could examine me for hernias and what not, and she was amazed at how smooth I was (pubic area) and asked me how I managed that. I told her I used the Clean Cut shaver by Seiko. Anyway, most have been nice experiences except the times when I was in extreme pain at the time (diverticulitis ... almost died).


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RE:Admitted to hospital

Last October 1st, I was on one of my job sites when a floor joist gave way. I fell ten feet to the basement below, landing on a pile of lumber which , luckily, broke my fall from the concrete floor I ended up on. I ended up fracturing three vertebrae, breaking two ribs, as well as multiple contusions and severe bruising over much of my body. Upon arriving in the emergency department, I was quickly rushed into Trauma. A team of approximately eight, I dont recall exactly, began their well rehearsed dance. The first thing they did was cut my clothes off, then start an IV and begin a head to toe assessment, front and back. I have no idea how long I lay there naked, but do remember a nurse coming back at one point to cover me with blankets, it was cold in there!! A short while later, another nurse installed a Foley catheter. Being married to a nurse for over twenty five years, I know that this is common place for them, an everyday occurrence. Just twelve months earlier I underwent scheduled surgery. I experienced the same level of professionalism from the nurses on both occasions with similar procedures.

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