Perth Clothesfree

A group for nudists in Perth, Western Australia.This is group provides an opportinity for social gatherings including beach and hiking days, bringing the ability to connect with like minded people and even keep you up to date on the big nudist events happening in Perth!For further information please DM admins for details on how to join a secret Facebook Group :-)

New Facebook Group - Perth Nudists Social Group

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Hi All,
Kramtrohs and myself have started a Facebook group and it already had over 10 members. The reason to creat another group was simple, almost everyone uses Facebook. There are however some drawbacks, the main one being privacy. All members on the group so far are known to most of the other members and most are also Facebook friends. If you feel you would like to enter this community we have set up a dummy Facebook account called Zac Smith. All you need to do is search for this profile (by email is best) and send a friend request. We will review and either promote you to the secret Facebook group or sorry to say hit the de-friend button. We are really keen to develop a really genuine nudist group on Facebook so knowing who the members are and trusting their motives is paramount. All members on the group so far use their everyday Facebook profiles so if you are happy to do so as well we would love to have you in the group.
Thanks and we hope to see you on Facebook soon,
Zac and Kramtrohs

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