Perth Clothesfree

A group for nudists in Perth, Western Australia.This is group provides an opportinity for social gatherings including beach and hiking days, bringing the ability to connect with like minded people and even keep you up to date on the big nudist events happening in Perth!For further information please DM admins for details on how to join a secret Facebook Group :-)

Hello to all 6 members!!!!!

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pI went to my local club yesterday & there were only 11 people at hte monthly swim meet!!/pp/ppIt feels like nudism in Perth is Dying!! This is where we really need to start encouraging any other nudists we know ot participate in social nudity.. especially young people, as they are the ones that are going to keep this lifestyle going, or it will die!!/ppI'm 29 & I was the youngest one at the swim yesterday, it would be great t have other young nudsits in the social cricles!!/pp/ppSo if you know other nudsits in Perth, get them to join this group - ESPECIALLY young people!!/pp/pp/p

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