Tennessee Nudist

Nudist of Tennessee to Socialize - Hiking - Boating - a point of contact for local meetings

Benton MacKaye Trail Hike - May 13th

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Planning a hike on the Benton MacKaye Trial in north Georgia for Sunday the 13th of May. This will be a 12.7 mile hike and is rated easy to moderate. The hike will take place near Cherry Log, Ga.

Plan on spending 7 hours on the trail. We will be doing a car shuttle, as this is a one way hike.

We will be meeting at the Burger King in Elijay, and we will leave the Burger King at 9:00 AM sharp for the trailheads.

This topic was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Benton MacKaye Trail Hike - May 13th

We did the 12.6 mile hike on the Benton MacKaye Trail between Dyer Gap and Bushy head Gap. A relatively easy hike , mostly downhill.

This post was edited Invalid date
  • 7 years ago