Friends Of The NEW Terra Cotta

A group for people who have been to or want to go to the NEW Terra Cotta Inn, or would like to visit someday. For more information about our resort, our site is or call or text 1-760-413-3062.

cinc de mayo

will be at terra cotta for birthdays

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March the 16th can not come soon enough!...

We are just counting down the days, till we are flying into Palm Springs for some well deserved R+R. After our WET and Damp Winter that we just went through, we can hardly wait to see a Palm Tree. lol Not to sure, if the Palm Springs March weather...

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recent visit

we were in palm springs in december for the dave coz christmas concert, so we stopped by an took the tour of the new terra cotta. they had just redone the pool and plant new grass. we decided to make reservations to celebrate our birthdays this...

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Recent visits

We finally made it to the New Terra Cotta and we had a great time! Bummed we missed seeing Tom and Mary Clare but got to meet and talk with the new owner John and he's a great guy. I ran into someone I used to work with! He and his wife used to...

Now that Terra Cotta's closed ...

... where are you going on a regular basis? For those of you that once frequented TCI, what other clothing optional/nude resorts or clubs are you now visiting since TCI closed it's doors to nude use.

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Tell Us .....that it isn't so????

Hey Mary Claire,We just heard the SHOCKING NEWS.....that Terra Cotta has just been SOLD!That is Bad enough, as it is.....BUT....we also heard...that Terra Cotta has been Sold to New Owners, that are going to turn it into a Textile Resort???We...

Welcome to my group

Tom and I would like to welcome everyone to this group. Hopefully we will see you someday in Palm Springs, CA the sunniest city in the US.

Come To TCI's Naked, FREE Christmas...

Come to TCI's fun, NAKED, FREE Christmas dinner & dance this Sat Dec 10th. Some rooms still available. Call 800-786-6938 Visit our site at Visit us on facebook at MC

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Join Terra Cotta Inn for our fun FREE Casino...

div class="post hentry uncustomized-post-template" a name="7725041923554339438"/a h3 class="post-title entry-title" Join the Terra Cotta Inn for our Fun, FREE Casino Night party this Saturday January 9th /h3 div...

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$25 off Coupon for Sun-Thurs nights in...

Hi everyone, For the rest of September, here at The Terra Cotta Inn, located in Palm Springs, California, the sunniest city in the US (the last time it rained here was over 7 months ago in February), we have a $25 off coupon that is good for stays...

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