Friends Of The NEW Terra Cotta

A group for people who have been to or want to go to the NEW Terra Cotta Inn, or would like to visit someday. For more information about our resort, our site is or call or text 1-760-413-3062.

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Tell Us .....that it isn't so????

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Hey Mary Claire,We just heard the SHOCKING NEWS.....that Terra
Cotta has just been SOLD!That is Bad enough, as it is.....BUT....we
also heard...that Terra Cotta has been Sold to New Owners, that are
going to turn it into a Textile Resort???We can't tell you, How
very very disappointing this is, to hear.We have known for years,
that Terra Cotta was always on the market.......but...we just
assumed, that you guys would be selling, to someone who was wanting
to keep a Clothing Optional Resort.Guess not! LOLOh
well......we LOVED Terra Cotta, and we will always LOVE you and Tom
and Patty, and all of our Four Legged Friends over the years, that
you guys were sharing with us.We still LOVE and MISS
"Jude".......soooooo very much!We are in Total SHOCK!Oh
well......Life goes on!We wish you and Tom.....nothing but the
best, while sending you guys all our Love!We can not Thank you and
Tom enough, for Sharing Terra Cotta with us, for the past 12
years!All our LoveRick and BJ

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Tell is .....that it isn't so????

Yes, very sad. We are bummed big-time. This was by far our favorite place, and it may not be possible to find anything that approximates the quality place (and clientele) we found at TCI.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Tell is .....that it isn't so????

Just found out as well. New owners are going to lose massive business.The thing, that we have a hard time understanding is, WHY......someone in the Lifestyle ( The Nude Lifestyle) did not purchase it?After all of the years of their "Devoted" ....."Loyal"...and "Faithful" quests and friends.....returning to Terra Cotta, year after year after would naturally think, that the one stipulation in the Sale of Terra Cotta would be, that it would remain as a Clothing Optional Resort.I guess.....when it comes to selling anything, the previous owner of anything, is only concerned about the actual Sale, as opposed to those that put the place, on the Map.Oh well......I guess we can now, all explore the various other Options, that are out there.Whether that be Desert Sun, which is much more Up Beat and more Modern, from what we have heard, from other past Terra Couples, who made the leap over there, this past year.Or.....I guess....we can head on down to Hidden Beach.....Club Orient and who knows.....we have always wanted to check out Hedo and Desires as well.The sad thing is, that we Loved Terra Cotta, and its wonderful owners, and all the friends..that we have made over the years at Terra Cotta.What a disappointing day this has not only hear.....that Terra Cotta is no longer, going to be......Terra Cotta, But..... to add to that misery......the Packers lost to the Lions in Green Bay, today! LOLThe Good News.....was....that my Chicago Bears beat the St.Louis Rams!WOW.....Terra Cotta is going Textile???"Textiles" in Palm Springs?Is there such a thing??? lolIf a Resort, is not either Gay, or Clothing Optional, or a Swingers Palm Springs...can it actually Survive, in the Desert?Terra Cotta is gone, as we know it.What a Sad Sad Day.....this has been, for all of us...Loyal Fans of TCI.So much, for our Pre Booked Holiday Dates for March - June and September! lolWe are in Shock!The Funny thing is....we are just two hours away ( by air ) but......No One, in this part of the world..knew a Thing, about the Sale.We found out, from a couple who live in England!Those Brits...are such "Know it Alls"! LOLBest of Luck and all our Love, to Tom and Mary Claire, and especially to Patty.But.....just in case.....the Sale falls through......we still want our reservations, for March.....June and September! LOLMan.....we feel absolutely Sick about the Sad News!PS......we hid and left our two Floaties under our you think, that you could get the New Owners, to ship them to us? lolNever mind......we will just leave them a Memorial, to us all! :(

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Tell is .....that it isn't so????

From The Terra Cotta Inn FaceBook page ...
Mary Clare and I have big news. As of 5pm Thursday Nov 12th, we are no longer the owners of The Terra Cotta Inn. It has been sold. The new owners names are Gary and Kathy. They are very nice people.
Mary Clare and I will be working here until Nov 29th, so feel free to stop on by to say hello or we still have some rooms available. Mary Clare will be cooking her famous Thanksgiving dinner for everyone.
I will be working with the new owners for at least 1-3 months helping out th...e transition. Patty will still be their manager.
December is historically a slow month in the travel industry, so they will start some upgrade projects in Dec.
When they are done with the upgrades, Terra Cotta Inn will become a textile resort.
Feel free calling us at 1-800-786-6938. We will be contacting all our guests that already have reservations. It will take time though as each call is taking 5-15 minutes.
Thank you everyone for being our friends. We love you all.
Tom and Mary Clare

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Tell is .....that it isn't so????

We never made it to TCI but it was definitely on our list. Not having been there I do not know much about it except the great reviews I've read over the last few years. I do have a suggestion though, I have been to Living Waters Spa in Deset Hot Springs (across the freeway from Palm Springs). I do not know if it would live up to the same level or not but I do know it is a wonderful place which wonderful owners. For those that loved TCI it might be one other place to check out. I do know that I am very disappointed that we will not get a chance to go to TCI.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Tell Us .....that it isn't so????

Share your experience if you visit Desert Sun. We'll probably try that one if it approximates the quality of the Terra Cotta Inn. TCI was our absolute favorite and now we'll have to find something similar, if it exists.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Tell Us .....that it isn't so????

Very sad news. I visited with my wife in 2002. She is not a nudist so to my huge regret I have been unable to visit again. However I have the memories and they are good ones.

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  • 9 years ago