A Nudist's Diary
This is a group where members enjoy to write and read experiences in nudity.
The term - Nude
Return to DiscussionsJust wonder, what are the terms used as synonymous to nudity in different language...like in English nudity, naked. Can we just see what are the other words in other languages?
And do we have a preference on words or we use it as it comes?
For example, I use "nude" more often than "naked".
I think of the word "nude" as a name - short for nudist. It also has an overtone of appreciation, as with the nude in art. So when I see others without clothes I think of them as "nude" in all their beautiful variety. It may also describe the state of mind. A nudist can be clothed at times, especially if it is chilly. I'm often amused being the only one without clothes in a nudist resort such as Charco or Vira Playa.
To me being naked reflects a vulnerability, without the protection of any cover or clothing. This very vulnerability is delightfully liberating. It is me being me, open and hiding nothing. I like to go out naked, usually where it's acceptedand sometimes where it isn't. It adds a little spice. Is it exhibitionism?
I find the term "Naturist" is a bit twee. Are naturists slightly ashamed of their nudity, feeling the need to stress the link with the natural environment? But it does translate into several European languages (French, Spanish...) with ease. There again I prefer the German "Nackt". It is so close to our "naked". But even they hide behind the FKK initials.
For me the term "Clothes Optional" is precisely that. Somewhere that people can chose to be clothed or naked or even in swimwear. It may well be the best environment, tolerant and allowing people to be in whatever state they are comfortable. It also accepts mixed couples - one clothed the other naked.
I was amused when I saw adverts for "Textile" apartments or holidays. This is a term that only nudists understand - Like Harry Potter's "Muggles". So to whom are they advertising? Is it for people who don't want to be nudists any more?
In art we don't refer to a figure drawing as a naked person, the term simply is a nude. So I would agree nude is a term about body form and naked is about being. On the other hand I often when naked refer to myself as in the nude. Sometimes simply I am naked. But I do like to refer to my nude walks as nature walks. And if I were to announce myself I'd rather call myself a naturalist. We have so many options in the English language.
I prefer the word nude. However, when I started a website in the past, I used the word naturism/ naturist as I felt that was less offensive in India. I also use the words like naked, bare all, bare ass, birthday suit, all are used at various places according to the circumstances and the audiences.Nagn or Nagna is a Sanskrit word which can be used in all the 26 or so Indian languages across the country with slight change of tone. I heard/ read the word starkers in print media only.