A Nudist's Diary

This is a group where members enjoy to write and read experiences in nudity.


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Other than your regular partner or folks who saw you nude last?
Today noon, a guy came to clean the garbage from a kitchen room of ours which was not in use for long.
When the guy was cleaning, I went for a bath. I just completed my half bath and had soap all over my body and I found that there was no water in the tank.
I came out nude and entered the kitchen where he was working. The switch of the pump was there. He looked at - I told him please don't mind...since there was no water I came out nude from shower.
He gave a warm smile and said - Its perfectly alright brother, I don't have any prob.
For next two hours I was nude in front of him...giving him instructions, supervising and assisting him...from time to time.
He is the last person who saw me nude on 4th Sept, 2014.

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Just saw this post it was my neighbor I was out on my my back porch steps one morning checking out stuff on my tablet not paying attention I heard my neighbor call her dog to come in I looked up and she was on her porch not sure how long she was there but she had to see me

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Besides the etiquette of the matter those benches can be very hot. But, towels are for sitting on only!!!!

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My younger cousin brother and his friend, 10 days back.
Both are around 3 years younger than me and they are childhood buddies. i met them after 3-4 Years. We been to my bro's friend's place for a party, as his parents were not in town. after sometime we started discussing about nudist beach and what would be reason for that. I explained them what is nudism and how people are practising it worldwide. Also, I mentioned them that even I am a nudist and been like for years now. Then I proposed, why don't we have this party as a naked party only as its hot too. They were shy to go beyond their boxers. So I took the initiative and been completely naked and asked them if that's fine with them. though it was little awkward for them but they agreed. After some more time, my brother took another step and removed all the cloths. May be that's gave the courage to the other guy and he came out. Both of them were little embarrassed at the beginning as mt brother was semi hard and his friend was all on. I said them, its okay as they are thinking too much. so we enjoyed almost 5 hours like that.
Just now, I had a word with my brother and he informed they actually liked the experience and they are naked now whenever possible.

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My son's friend when he came to collect something from our garage yesterday. He saw me naked in the kitchen and decided not to knock on the door. He took what was needed and left.

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Elane this morning, all morning as she gave me my periodic full body wax. She handles me very professionally.

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Aside from my masseuse, she sees me nude every month, as it should be. I also recently met a friend from TN as he was on vacation in my town. We met at our non nude, nude section of beach and had a great visit. As we were at beach two other nudist walked by and chatted with us for some time. All in all...a great day of nude fun and sun.

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The mail carrier. I had a package that was to be delivered, and was checking to see if it was there. I opened the door and there she was with my package, she was looking down at first then as she was asking for my signature she looked up and gasped. She apologized for some reason, but I said it's ok and she just smiled. That was two days ago before that it was an ex girlfriend but still friend. She stopped in to talk to my wife who was not there and walked into our kitchen and there I was. She smiled and ummm flirted she always does when I'm dressed so I was ok. I'm a big boy and can handle people flirting. I did not mention it to my wife though

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A few minutes ago, the window cleaners. I was in the hot tub when I heard one of them struggling to open the garden gate. I said "Come in" but he couldn't locate the bolt, so I got out and went to open it for him. I was naked of course. I let him in, and a second man followed. By the time they finished (a bit slow this week, I thought) they had seen me several times outdoors, and through the windows, so when they knocked on the front door for payment, there didn't seem any point being coy! Then I walked past them to go round and re-close the garden gate.

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A neighbor a few doors down dropped in to pick up some plants. Since she does farmwork in a bikini (not idle yardwork - it takes effort to wear that little doing serious outdoor work), I have figured it's needless to grab for clothes if I am naked when she drops in.

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It was only my naked bum they saw. I wore my kilt to the pub on New Year's Eve and a naughty lady lifted it to show everyone I had no underwear. And a day or two before several lorry drivers saw me as I drove naked for 4 hours on the A1 in heavy, slow moving traffic. Of course all the many motorists saw me but only the lorry drivers were high enough to see down onto my lap.

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