Adult Circumcision
This group is dedicated to men of all ages who have or may required the surgical removal of their foreskin as adults and men who have the experience to having been both cut and uncut. It is the hope of this group to have open discussion about the pros and cons and the conditions that required it's members to have the procedure done. We would like to establish a forum of questions and answers...
recent circumcision
Return to DiscussionsA friend of my has just had a circumcision[split welly] he's in his mid 50's he got a bit of ribbing off his mates lo l he say's his wife loves it,when i laughed he told me i should get it done ,i replied" you can't do it twice ,i told him i was done as a baby" ive been a roundhead since i was 14days old,much better than being an Anteater.I'am really proud of my Bellender
- 8 years ago
A friend of my has just had a circumcision[split welly] he's in his mid 50's he got a bit of ribbing off his mates lo l he say's his wife loves it,when i laughed he told me i should get it done ,i replied" you can't do it twice ,i told him i was done as a baby" ive been a roundhead since i was 14days old,much better than being an Anteater.I'am really proud of my Bellender
Actually, you can be circumcised more than once. There are numerous times when a doctor does not remove enough skin and it winds up looking like you are uncircumcised. They call these circumcision revisions. They are also done when the original circumcision was not done well. I was also circumcised in my fifites. Its the best thing i ever did. No more foul smell, irritations and infections. And yes many women prefer a helmet to an anteater. Cosmetically, i think it looks better. For all the ribbing your friend has taken, give him a bravo for me and a big congrats.
- 8 years ago
I agree entirely with what Pat says about women's preference and
about the many benefits of circumcision. Your friend is very lucky to have been cut. It is never too late.
- 8 years ago
Good for him. Was it his choice, or a medical reason?
- 8 years ago
He had split welly syndrome ie his forskin split ,me ias ive said before really proud of my polished head and i like the way its always on show well apart from when its really cold
- 8 years ago
What is a Bellender? I think I know what an anteater is, but you can explain that one also.
- 8 years ago
A bellender is another term for a circumcised penis. the head looks like a helmet or a bell. Another term is a Roundhead. All great terms for a great product!!!! Helmets rule.
- 8 years ago
Pleased he chose to get circumcised!
I love the term bellend and mushroom head
- 8 years ago
Booby's helmet was another named after a British policeman helmet ,you dont here it too much these daysTheres nothing nicer than looking down at your penis and you can see your nicely polished Bellend,eerct or flacid,just glad my mother had me circumcised when i was a baby as ive never had any problems whatsover
- 8 years ago
Helmets rule.pat
Helmets are better than hats ...
- 8 years ago
Was it for medical reason? What the hell does it matter if it's what he wants? Some people in these discussions seem to think it's only ok to be circumcised for a medical reason. There are lots of reasons beyond the "medical need". Yes it is better for hygiene to be circumcised but it looks better also. IMHO. For people in the US usually the decision is made for you by your parents unless you were born before the 80's. For those of us born earlier it was just a routine procedure that took place not long after birth. Growing up I only knew one guy who wasn't circumcised. His parents were German and they asked for him to not be when he was born. Other than that everyone was. He never wanted to be so he never did as long as I knew him. But he did have to deal with smegma and the odor that uncircumcised penises have. For me I'm glad I was circumcised at birth and had my sons done. For all of the discussions and medical lit on the issue I've never seen anything medically compelling for not being circumcised.
- 7 years ago