Adult Circumcision

This group is dedicated to men of all ages who have or may required the surgical removal of their foreskin as adults and men who have the experience to having been both cut and uncut. It is the hope of this group to have open discussion about the pros and cons and the conditions that required it's members to have the procedure done. We would like to establish a forum of questions and answers...

Hey everyone

I got Circumcised back in April at the age of 27 & am loving it. I'm so proud to be a member of Team Cut.

Just wanted to start a thread about why/when you all joined the brotherhood of hoodless men & how you are feeling about?
Are you loving it? Relieved? Disappointed?
Who have you told? Are you hiding it? Did you have a support person who helped you through it?

Just want to start a conversation around this.

Talk soon fellas

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Cut in April


Have you found to enjoy your circumcised status, rather than just accepting it? My partner is uncut so I know there are some things I can do to him that he can't do to me. But I also love that I enjoy sex on 2 different levels. One on the orgasm/cumming level, but also that because it takes longer for me to cum, my dick just feels good having sex so I can enjoy that more.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Cut in April

Why were you circumcised later in life? Personal choice or medical choices or another reason?

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Cut in April

What were your reasons JD. Being cut just after birth, I know no different. It would be great to feel a foreskin on my penis!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Cut in April

I was circumcised late as others thought it better as my foreskin was so long and would never stay in place when they pulled it back, even when fully erect, I was lucky to have help from a relative though and after the operation, even though only two people knew I was being circumcised, quite a few soon noticed and commented on it!
My glans is much bigger, firmer and sensitive and some have called it a mushroom with the rim around my glans being so prominent, it does feel and look good I think, though it was a while before I realised why everyone was asking and commenting on my circumcision, as it turned out my glans was quite visable in my cycling shorts and swim pants!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Cut in April

So glad you have had a positive experience of circumcision.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Cut in April

Haha, I'm a cyclist too and get a lot of looks at coffee shop stops since my circumcision two years ago. It's crazy what a difference it makes. Funny how you said that, because only my GF knew I was getting the snip. Now everyone seems to notice. It doesn't hide easily in my work scrubs or my cycling shorts...
Now I find myself looking to see if a guy is cut or not. Mostly they seem to be...
At 54, I'm not sure what all the craze is about foreskin restoration. I'm really enjoying my fully bare know right now.
Glad you're enjoying yours as well!

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  • a year ago
RE:Cut in April

Sorry, late to the conversation...

Loving it, yes!
Only my GF (and PCP, urology team) know I've had it done.
Love being seen at nudist beaches, especially in Europe where I get a lot of glances (less so in the US)
My know now shows in my cycling shorts and swimsuit...I love knowing I'm part of the club now.

Can't understand why foreskins are such a big deal now and what the anti-circ hype is all about.
Wish I had it done much much earlier!!!!

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  • a year ago