Adult Circumcision
This group is dedicated to men of all ages who have or may required the surgical removal of their foreskin as adults and men who have the experience to having been both cut and uncut. It is the hope of this group to have open discussion about the pros and cons and the conditions that required it's members to have the procedure done. We would like to establish a forum of questions and answers...
Frenulum, Needed or Not?
Return to DiscussionsThe word frenulum on its own is often used for the frenulum of prepuce of penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the penis glads that connects to the foreskin which helps contract theforeskin over the glans. The frenulum is also called and known as the "banjo string".
I was recently asked by another member, who is getting a circumcision, if he should remove his frenulum. I explained that in my particular case I kept myfrenulum, though I had originallyintended to have it removed, preferring the look of itgone- but mydoctorstrongly urgedI reconsider keeping it, explaining that the frenulum was/is highly sensitive and by removing it I would lose much if not all of the sensitivity in the area. I followed his advise and I'm very pleased I did - just as my doctor described, the frenulum continues to be a very sensitive part of my and penis and a wonderful source of pleasure and visually I find it looks fine.
So now I'm curiousabout circumcisedguys who've had thierfrenulum removed, if they still have sentivity in the area and would they recommend removing it or not?...
- 13 years ago
I'm a man in my 50s who is uncut, but considering having a circumcision for purely aesthetic reasons. I have posted elsewhere in this group as well. One of my main reasons for wanting the op is to get rid of my frenulum. I really like the look of a penis without the frenulum, and mine, whilst not being TOO tight, does cause my glans to tip downwards when I fully retract my foreskin. I would like my glans to remain free and proud at all times, and don't want it pulled down by this extra bit of skin. I recognise that it is quite sensitive, but I don't have any problem with getting stimulation and don't feel that the loss of my frenulum would restrict me from reaching orgasm when I want to.I realise that I might be swimming against the tide here, in that so many people seem to recommend keeping the frenulum. Are there others who have had it removed and are happy about it?
- 12 years ago
I have recently (2.5 weeks) been circumcised, and decided to have the frenulum removed. In my case it was quite thick and rather short, causing the head of the glans to bend down when the foreskin was pulled right back. It was not a true frenulum breve, but almost. It was not at all sensitive for me, but where it opened out and joined the inner foreskin was. I pointed this out to the surgeon and so he removed the frenulum, but left a good deal of the inner skin, including that part. Still in the healing process, but I suspect I have made the correct decision for my case.
- 11 years ago
I have recently (2.5 weeks) been circumcised, and decided to have the frenulum removed. In my case it was quite thick and rather short, causing the head of the glans to bend down when the foreskin was pulled right back. It was not a true frenulum breve, but almost. It was not at all sensitive for me, but where it opened out and joined the inner foreskin was. I pointed this out to the surgeon and so he removed the frenulum, but left a good deal of the inner skin, including that part. Still in the healing process, but I suspect I have made the correct decision for my case.
Two and a half years on, I can say I did make the right decision. The glans is completely free, and the area on the shaft where the frenulum was cut away is now exquisitely sensitive.
- 9 years ago
I was circumcised a long time ago as a boy. I have always felt pleased that the doctor reckoned I could keep the frenulum. If there is a penile g-spot I would say it is there. Overall I am quite a fan of circ but I fel the frenulum does not need to be cut. Not sure what Jews do but I would have thought they would not insist on cutting the frenulum even if typically they do.Best wishes Peter
- 8 years ago
Kept mine. Very sensitive
- 8 years ago
The word frenulum on its own is often used for the frenulum of prepuce of penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the penis glads that connects to the foreskin which helps contract theforeskin over the glans. The frenulum is also called and known as the "banjo string". I was recently asked by another member, who is getting a circumcision, if he should remove his frenulum. I explained that in my particular case I kept myfrenulum, though I had originallyintended to have it removed, preferring the look of itgone- but mydoctorstrongly urgedI reconsider keeping it, explaining that the frenulum was/is highly sensitive and by removing it I would lose much if not all of the sensitivity in the area. I followed his advise and I'm very pleased I did - just as my doctor described, the frenulum continues to be a very sensitive part of my and penis and a wonderful source of pleasure and visually I find it looks fine.So now I'm curiousabout circumcisedguys who've had thierfrenulum removed, if they still have sentivity in the area and would they recommend removing it or not?...
i had mine removed and the sensitivity is still in the area but more in the inner foreskin.
- 8 years ago
From a woman's viewpoint it is certainly tidier and more attractive when the frenulum has been removed.
- 8 years ago
Hi; I was recently castrated and circumcised my frenulum was left in tact I can no longer get erect as result of being castrated but still enjoy masturbation , my wife's lover who insisted I be castrated so I could not have intercourse with my wife, his lover. now has had my Frenulum pieresed as I was still able to masturbate my limp penis as I watched and assisted him mounting my wife. My frenulum is very sensitive and the ring through the tender sensitive ferinum makes it painful to masturbate, but I;m very horny so I Don't mind cleaning up his semen after he finishes I now enjoy cunningalingus after he ejaculates into my wife..we all seem to enjoy my new roll as a Eunuch..if interested our email is for details and photos..thank you
- 8 years ago
Like many men my age born in the US, I was cut at birth. There is that special area though where a bit of frenulum remains, and it's super sensitive, loves to be stroked.
- 8 years ago
Being in the UK I still have my foreskin and fraenum. I recently pierced it. Tender at first it has now healed.
- 8 years ago