Advancement Of Naturism

To advance the joy of naturism

Creating a video game that highlights naturism as normal.

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Second idea of mine (was also thinking about using this one for a video game) is to create a show about a team researching ruins in Antarctica/the Arctic. A newly discovered tribe living in the inhospitable realm (or even unlanded realm if in the North) throws all our origin theories for a loop when the team discovers that the tribe has managed to conquer a shoggoth. The team must now descend into the caverns of the depths and learn what the tribe's true intention is and the forbidden and horrifying revelations of the secret isle of Atlantis, and its connection with the dread city of R'lyeh. Naturally this would be horror oriented, but I would like to see some different vantage points here.
-From my post;area=showposts;u=9374

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