AFL Players And Supporters

A group for those who love the greatest sport on earth, Aussie Rules footy!

Players past or present?

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Who's played on an AFL team before? whats your best on field and off field memories?
--- new group for AFL lovers - just search for AFL under the groups tab :)

This topic was edited 5 years ago
  • 5 years ago
RE:Players past or present?

haha i'm sure we can make an exception here... I've considered maybe umpiring if my injuries continue to plague me.

Did you ever play?

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Players past or present?

Hello, I never played but my brothers, Uncle and Cousin played for Centrals here in Cairns and my Dad was an umpire and president of Centrals for many years so AFL was and a big part of my childhood.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Players past or present?

Haven't played either but know a few who have. Was mostly a cricketer, but love AFL. Guys generally love being naked in change rooms or semi naked. AFL players are super fit and toned and often love to show off, and while it's a game it is entertainment these days and they are entertainers as well as footballers. I think many enjoy playing up to that label.

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  • a year ago
RE:Players past or present?

Reports of a lack of shyness in the changerooms when a female reporter was sent in for some quotes is one account that comes to mind from discussions before or after a match on TV. I was surprised more that protocols would allow her in there to begin with and was then further surprised that she was surprised she encountered bodies within the room. After spending time on this site I do have a greater appreciation of how welcome such an opportunity would be to many male TN members, though. :-D

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  • a year ago
RE:Players past or present?

There are plenty of stories about female journalists going into the change rooms and the guys being interviewed naked. There are a few videos around to that effect too.

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  • a year ago