Age Is Just A Number, Woman Love Ol

place for woman to meet older men. share experiences and have fun

So if women love older men I for one would love to know what qualities they like. It would be great to hear from the women or the admin some ideas. I have my ideas but it would be great to hear from the women! I certainly would add I am available!! lol

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Love to know

FAce it,,,there are no responses, there is no interest, this is afalse impression given to men to keep their hopes up. It'sall lies, there are few to no women at all here at TN who actuallycare about older men and will ever contact or show us any interest.Thus here we are, looking at a topic with few responses, none fromwomen with any real sincerity. What is with women who have rejectedthese men for their entire lives, to the point that even now theycant come forth to contact and interact here on this site. Of allplaces, a nudist site where people should be more open to messagethan on 'dating' sites. Thus I doubt I'm keeping thisor similar groups on my list any longer with weeks to months goneby with no interaction at all from women. It's sooo sad.Even the person who began this group, has nothing to say, has not one nude picture posted at a nudist site, has little profile info at all, and leaves one to question once again who is real and who is fake here once more.I was under the impression that this wasn't a dating group but a support group to share experiences and not feel an outcast in a society that is still negative towards couples with a large age gap. I'm sure there must be specific dating sites out there for this purpose. I have the impression that most women are so inundated with PMs and friend requests that they have little time to look at what's going on in the groups.Although I tend to meet women in the real world sense, I've enjoyed great conversations with intelligent women here at TN with our shared interest in naturism which will probably extend to meeting for a coffee and a real chat.Regarding the original question, we are all unique and the dynamics between couples are also unique. I dare say that ladies don't specifically go looking for an older man, it just happens. Much the same as I don't go looking for any specific woman but I tend to get along better with those younger. So let's all just be ourselves and not try and fit into a mould we think young women may like. Much love and light to everyone.

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  • 9 years ago