Anime Fans

For people who love Anime, Cosplaying, Comic-Cons, etc.

Have you gone to any conventions?

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If so, which ones? If not, why not? Are there any that you're looking forward to? Have you cosplayed?

A large aspect of the subculture of Japanese and Anime fandom is conventions, cosplaying, and panels and I'm curious if anyone here has indulged. I've been going to Anime Expo for the past two years now and it's become an event that I look forward to, there's just so much to do and see. It's the largest Anime convention of the year and has become a bit of a week long celebration for many. I haven't fully entered the hotel and party subculture that has become linked with Anime Expo but even without that it's definitely an experience. Californians are fortunate enough to have a rich con culture and there are many smaller cons to go to throughout the year.

What are your thoughts on Cons. Cosplay, and Con Culture?

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RE:Have you gone to any conventions?

i go to comic con damn near every year and i always dress up every time i go its so much fun plus usually meet old gamer friends and what not plus you can test out new games etc. I should go and have stan lee sign some of my cgc 9.8 comics

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RE:Have you gone to any conventions?

Ah yes, Comic Con. It's definitely the West Coast's largest convention by far. I've never been because it's usually too much effort to trek that far south. That's definitely one that many people fly out too so, as you say, it is a great opportunity to see people that you'd only see once a year or only talk to online. I've been told that there are even plenty of things to do outside the con because it's an opportunity for businesses to cash in on the influx of tourists.

You should get Stan Lee's signature! He ain't gettin' any younger!

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