Anime Fans

For people who love Anime, Cosplaying, Comic-Cons, etc.

Anime Expo. (July 5 - 9)

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Anime Expo is coming quickly upon us so I figured now would be as good a time as any to poll the group about the convention. Is anyone going? Has anyone gone? What was your experience? Do you have any favorite spots to lounge during the convention? Have you cosplayed there?
I'm just curious as to everyone's general thoughts and opinions about the convention. It's North America's largest anime convention and it's merely a month away, so I figured that it would be relevant topic for this group. ;-]

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RE:Anime Expo. (July 5 - 9)

Never been to the anime expo. Been going to Comic-Con for 20+ years. Always in awe of the cosplayers. Been seeing more body painters of all body types.

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