Are You A Hairy Or Smooth Nudist

For Guys to decide if they want to be Smooth or Hairy

Speaking of trimming...guys...

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Shave, trim, or natural; How do you manage the hair on your balls. I have shaved for ever, enjoying a smooth sack. I use a regular razor with little to no problems. How do you trim, and what do you use?

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

Depends. When I depilate my whole body I use ceram, when th body still ist hairless I shave. Most important that all ist silky soft.

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I've been shaving using a reusable razor and female shaving cream. The handle's weight means I don't have to use as much pressure. I like to use use a body scrub afterwards on the area

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I usually do a soak in a warm bath first. Then while everything is relaxed & thoroughly hydrated, I use my regular safety razor. No shave cream is necessary & it affords a close clean shave without nicks or burn.
After the bath, I like treat the area with Nivea Men, Body Shaving Soothing After Shave Lotion.
Results last two -three weeks.

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I shave with a normal (face) razor every few days. I find if I don't let it go too long, that's fine for keeping everything smooth.

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I kept my crotch short and trimmed. I used my electric trimmer that I used for my goatee to trimmed my pubes. But I always shaved my balls as I like them smooth. Been shaving them for maybe 10 years now. I used my regular razor. I always do it in the shower once I am almost done showering and had enough hydration, I just put regular soap in them to make it a bit slippery and shaved them. I never get nick at all. I once tried using my electric shaver and I got nicked. So, razor works best for me.

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I shave with a normal (face) razor every few days. I find if I don't let it go too long, that's fine for keeping everything smooth.

Totally agree! I use a facial razor every 2-4 days and havent had any issues in many many years of keeping my junk hair free!

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

i shave my scrotum and the shaft of my penis with the same razor and shaving cream i use on my face and have no problems. but with the hair above my penis, i will always get ingrown hairs if i shave too close, so i have given it up.

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I too shave the balls and shaft every time I'm in the shower. Catch one side of the body, then the other side the next time, and the chest and belly so everything is less than 3 days fresh. I also find the area between the bellybutton and cock gets many ingrown hairs. I have stolen a nylon scrub pad from the kitchen that seems to be aggressive enough but not too damaging to remove the tops of the ingrown hairs and let them come thru.
Worth giving it a try for a while to see if it helps.

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I use a razor to shave my balls every few days in the shower. I use HeadBlade shaving cream as I shave my head too. I have also been shaving my pubic area with a razor for the last several months. I was using a Phillips body trimmer but now use a razor in the shower. As many times as I have razor shaved my pubic area, I will still get minor "cuts"... spots that get bloody after shaving. They always clot and then no issues. I don't know why that happens... I take warm/hot showers before the shaving begins. Maybe it's just the way my body/follicles are?? who knows... but I'm ok with the blood spotting. Guys say that stops after awhile but... when?? haha

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RE:Speaking of trimming...guys...

I wax, I like the feel. Manzillian and butt crack.

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