Are You A Hairy Or Smooth Nudist
For Guys to decide if they want to be Smooth or Hairy
How do you remove the hair on your back and in your crack without another guy assisting ? I can manscape all other areas with a razor then a week later apply a depilatory (Nair) on my balls, dick and (maybe) my crack, but my back has patches and...
I am a smooth Canadian nudist from thunder bay
I first started body shaving in my 30's. I'm noe 66 and still keep smooth. Buzz cut on my head and sometimes a mustache and small beard. Every where else is total shave, chest,arms,pits,legs,pubs and balls.
Ive been pretty much totally smooth for years. I love how I look and feel with a smooth body. Im a cyclist, so started by shaving my legs. That progressed to my cock and balls. Now I regularly shave my chest, belly, pits and pubes. I use a trimmer...
I am looking for some helpful suggestions. I have always had very fine, pale leg and arm hair, and a naturally smooth chest and back. I envied guys who could grow full chest fur in colder months, but I also loved feeling so smooth. I often manscaped...
I am naturally hairy , for years i have trimmed my pubes and shaved my balls and crack, however I have been thinking more recently what it would look like if I also trim ( not shave ) my chest hair, I tend to find a lot of guys, and some Women have...
I'm moderately hairy, and have always trimmed. This week I have fully shaved my balls and love the smooth feeling, great for summer.
We have an outdoor shower on our RV, so that's where I shave when possible. Pubes, ass, and pits.
If anyone's up to chat, add me on my new telegram: @duart_dl
I'm hairy, especially waist down. I trim a bit here and there. And I shave my shaft and balls almost daily.