Our goal is to promote nudism and nudist activities throughout Arizona. This is designed to be an informational clearing house of nudist activities and events for people living in or visiting the great State of Arizona. We hope to post all events, large and small, with contact names, numbers and/or e-mail addresses. People can post their day trips to some of the less known, out of the way...

Is Sycamore Creek still a good place to get naked? I haven't been there in years and would love to go back.

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RE:Sycamore Creek

Can you spend some time nude in the Arizona sun at Sycamore Creek? Yes, but please take care not to offend any textiles who may be there lest it lead to a visit by the police. And it being November, know that it's drier than dust out there.

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RE:Sycamore Creek

I was hiking out in the Picacho Mountains about a week ago. The last time I was out there was in March when it was pretty green and lots of wildflowers. Now its even dryer than dust! Hard to believe anything can live out there. Still a good place for a nude hike but I hope it gets some rain this winter.

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RE:Sycamore Creek

Yes. Just don't get naked in the parking area. Walk back past the 1st stream crossing and then take it all off. Keep a towel handy or something to cover up on your way in and out; there is a chance you may run into a family.

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