Arizona Phoenix Nudists

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Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

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We joined this site, and Nudist Space because we like to hang out naked...especially in the Summer. We have a private back yard with a pool that we like to share with other male nudists. I think this site like most others is about sexual attraction...not that we have anything against sex, but really??? It's a chance to hang out with like minded guys, and increase your circle of nudist friends. If you don't ever want to meet then why do you send usFriend Requests, or accept ours??
Confused in

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RE: Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

Some just like to chat on line. Others are too busy for a real social life. I know my self, I have Sunday off and usually use that to catch up on the rest of the week.

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RE: Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

We joined this site, and Nudist Space because we liketo hang out naked...especially in the Summer. We havea private back yard with a pool that we like to share with othermale nudists. I think this site like most others isabout sexual attraction...not that we have anything against sex,but really??? It's a chance to hang out with likeminded guys, and increase your circle of nudistfriends. If you don't ever want to meet then why doyou send usFriend Requests, or accept ours?? Confusedin
I travel a lot for work and am only in Phoenix for a few weeks
every other month or so. I'm met several very nice guys on here and
have been on some naked hikes and socialized with a few people from
the site. I've found the TrueNudist men I've met to be very
friendly, you just have to work hard to get schedules to mesh
Good point - getting schedules in line! We've met a few guys here
on TN; several more on a meetup group. And we are hanging out more
with friends who we have found have nudist ties too. But
scheduling social time in all of our busy lives can be a challenge.

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RE: Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

finally met 2 others last weekend and went nude hiking. Enjoyed it alot. To do so all we did was respond to each other set a date and then met at the hiking site. My major trouble has been no response am willing to meet anyone anywhere in and around phoenix, tucson, or any arias in between like mesa chandler, coolege, etc. hope to here from others.Great Orren...glad you were able to do that. We started this post, and have really made a lot of naked friends on this site. As others have mentioned scheduling is a problem for most. Being retired for the most part has given us a lot of free time would enjoy hanging out with more naked men, but understand the time constraints of those still working full time. All are welcome to join us!

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

Hello my valley neighbors

How is this year going so far for you guys?
This lockdown keeping everyone at home sure sucks.
That pool you have must be nice with the temps getting way up now.
Looks like we will have 100s this week.

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

yes it seems that a lot of guys on this TN site just want to collect friend profiles but never even chat.

After some time I have deleted profiles from my friends list because they never sent any messages or want to chat.

how warm is your pool now? Anything going on at your place?

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

Our pool is hitting 80-82 daily now. We started swimming when it hit 78. We have met several people on this site and had a very nice social group in Salt Lake City. We are finding that this area is a bit more difficult to meet in person for whatever reason.

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

In phoenix as well, I have met others from TN or Skype as well but all depends on everyone's schedule. But always like to meet in person more that skype. Always nice others nudists that live near by and hang out. Always a nice experience to just be nude and chat or swim nude

We joined this site, and Nudist Space because we like to hang out naked...especially in the Summer. We have a private back yard with a pool that we like to share with other male nudists. I think this site like most others is about sexual attraction...not that we have anything against sex, but really??? It's a chance to hang out with like minded guys, and increase your circle of nudist friends. If you don't ever want to meet then why do you send usFriend Requests, or accept ours??Confused in

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

We are living in very unusual times right now as far as getting together in our back yard, or anyones backyard to hang out and get in the pool. We would love to have you guys over, but we are still in self isolation and Dan is having some fairly major health issues which really puts him at risk. He goes in for another surgery on June 9th or we would be hosting! It's kind of hard to take a post from a couple of years ago and apply it to what's going on now! We would really like to host something and hopefully it will be before the pool season is over.
Mark and Dan
I hope that answers your question Skolboi...?

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

Hope all goes well with Dan's surgery.

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RE:Does anyone ever actually meet in person to hang out??

I have not had very good luck meeting up with fellow nudist on this site. Arrangements will be made but when it comes to confirming a date and time, the actual meeting never pans out. It is frustrating. I am desperate to share some naked time with someone besides little old me. I am boring as fuck.

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