Arizona Phoenix Nudists

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El Dorado Hot Springs in Tonapah

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Hope everyone is enjoying this hot summer we have in Phoenix. I haven't been to El Dorado for a few years, and did always enjoy it. Has anyone gone recently? I think it would be fun to have a meet up at the springs if anyone else would be interested.

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RE: El Dorado Hot Springs in Tonapah

Thank you for those insights! I was wondering about a couple of those things you mentioned.


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RE: El Dorado Hot Springs in Tonapah

Well how did it go? I woud have loved to join the fun but was out of town. Besides, I just saw this today so would have missed it anyway. I am interested in going next time if there is a next time, as well as any other gatherings in the area.

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RE: El Dorado Hot Springs in Tonapah

It went great. There were a few other guys around in the community area we that we visited. So we relaxed and socialized for almost 2 hours.

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RE: El Dorado Hot Springs in Tonapah

I was thinking about going to the hot tubs Sunday. The weather is cooler, one more time before it gets hot. Naked hugs. Jim

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