Artistic Photos

This is a place to post your "artistic" photos for others to view and enjoy. However you choose to define "artistic" is up to each individual. The genesis of this idea for me was having taken some shadow/silhouette photos, wanting to share them, but not really knowing where to post them. They are "soft" nude photos that are more provocative than explicit. Hoping...

Definition of Artistic photo's

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I'm not into censorship by the moderator regarding photo's but I think contributors need to think twice before posting. Close up's of cocks or vaginas is not artistic, that may be my opinion, but I reckon many would agree. If these were posted elsewhere on this site, they would be removed. Close up's are not artistic, they seem to be people trying to show off their bits. The lighting, context, angles etc. are usually poor, it seems to be people wanting to "push boundaries" or just focus on their bits. If you are going to post, think about how you would tryto justify to a gallery or a school or university art class how your photo is artistic.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

Some great new photos, creative & artistic. Thank you!!

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

I agree.Artistic liberties are at times stretched a bit too far

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

Pushing things a bit too far is putting it mildly and being diplomatic but thanks for the support. Booting them off the site is maybe too much, maybe keep them here and educate about boundaries of what 's acceptable and what is good photography. It seems that some of the sensors won't let any genitalia shots that they consider not in context on a personal site but it is up to the moderators of the group to manage the photo's in question. The shots taken from the feet upwards so genitals are a focus but the face is shown, should be removed, unless the focus is not just cock & balls. Those shots of people pretending to be asleep often with the C&B focus, just remove, they are not real and poor photo's anyway.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

To be fair, it says in the group description that it is up to the individual to define what Artistic means and what an Artist defines as Artistic is not always the same as what the Beholder defines as Artistic.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

Good point Alexander about the individual having to determine what is "Artistic". the group description does say that. Maybe we should be asking the photo supplier to explain how their photo is artistic. Hey, I love the human body and seeing it naked but most of the dick pic's sent are poor quality and seem to be saying "hey look at me", well just under 1/2 the world has one so my question is how is yours artistic? Hey, a penis can be presented in a strong way or a powerful way, like a vagina can be in a beautiful way. It's just that most dicks are not show this way and as Raven says, there are plenty of other sites on the web to post or look ate close up's.

Just throwing down the challenge to presenters to show how their photo is artistic, in their own way.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

I totally agree, the group is called "Artistic" not Gynaecology in depth,I see this group has all the usual exhibitionists lol, its a shame really, there are other sites for that sort of thing.Personally its not for me, but artistic means something completely different..........Just sayin
Maybe the site should change its name to True Exhibitionists.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

I totally agree with you. The nudist say it is not about sex, but they make it sexual. I do not think it appropriate to make comments on people's bodies; i.e. breast, vaginas, & penis' . This shouldn't be a porn site. Thank you for your comment.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

I totally agree with you. The nudist say it is not about sex, but they make it sexual. I do not think it appropriate to make comments on people's bodies; i.e. breast, vaginas, & penis' . This shouldn't be a porn site. Thank you for your comment.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

I don't agree with you:

I do not think it appropriate to make comments on people's bodies; i.e. breast, vaginas, & penis' . This shouldn't be a porn site.

Nudists shouldn't leave it up to porn sites to comment about people's body. Nudists have a different view of breast, vagina and penis. That should be made clear here.

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RE:Definition of Artistic photo's

I used to manage a restaurant that every month hosted the works of a different artist on its walls, generally recommended and mounted by one or another local gallery. One such exhibit was of a photographer's work, and one of her photos was, in fact, a dick closeup. It gave me pause when I saw what they were putting up, but it really was nicely done, well lit. sculptural, so I let it stand. For the month it was on display there was no fuss about it. If it had NOT been so well done, I'm sure it would have been found offensive, if I'd let it stay on the wall at all.

When I used to pose for art classes, I got down off the podium at a break one day, and noticed that one of the artists had filled her 18x24 sketch pad with a closeup of my genitalia. You never know. Any part of the body is a fit subject for study.

Agreed, though, that dick-pic selfies are generally not such careful studies.

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